**important** Opeth Bootleg Thread!!!


Oct 21, 2002
Ok,can you guys help me compile a list of every known Opeth Bootleg ever made.

I have seen about 10 of them in people's mp3 lists on IRC.But have never bothered downloading them incase there crap quality etc.

So just list the ones that you have heard of,or have downloaded,or actually own.dont bother if you just have certain mp3s or downloaded videos.only list vhs,dvd,vcd professional bootlegs.

I have one called "Welcome To The Drapery Falls Cafe" which is them live in Chicago 4/26/01. The sound is pretty good for a bootleg, but I've heard better bootlegs of other bands. There is one that I would LOVE to get of them live in Dublin, Ireland. I downloaded them playing Bleak at this show and it sounded pretty good.
i have the dublin one. if you use soulseek i could share the files and you could download it from me (even though i've a painfully slow modem)
I have 2 bootlegs at home, I dont remember the names of them at this time tho, and a few videos.. Live Drapery, Forest, and a full show from Phoenix.. If anyone wants to do any trades, I am always looking for more Bootlegs, Opeth or whatever.. Contact me in private and maybe we can work out a trade.. :)
I'd love to trade for Opeth boots. I've done CD-R trading for years, but not much metal. I do have a Kreator, a Dio, some AC/DC, a UFO (great quality), early Sabbath demos, Ozzy outtakes, some Megadeth, couple Metallica, a Manowar, BOC, plus lots of regular rock, folk, blues. MY email's chriselliottsongs @ hotmail.com

BTW, I'm new here -- is discussing boots too openly against etiquette?
I have 2 different springfield, VA shows, the first Chicago show, the milwaulkee show, and an early live show from sweden I think, that one is low quality. The rest are dececnt, but not soundboard or anything. Anybody have a soundboard recording?
Well I have about 5 video bootlegs...


Witchwood, Ashton UK - 6/17/96 VCD
Culture Room Ft. Lauderdale Florida 12/5/2001 VCD
New Mason Jar Phoenix Arizona 5/17/2001 VCD
Fou Founes Montreal Canada 8/4/2001 VCD
Detroit Michigan 4/2001 SVCD

I also have over 15 Audio bootlegs, and some demo tapes and rehearsal tapes.
I have...

Witchwood, Ashton UK - 6/17/96 VCD
Culture Room Ft. Lauderdale Florida 12/5/2001 VCD
New Mason Jar Phoenix Arizona 5/17/2001 VCD
Fou Founes Montreal Canada 8/4/2001 VCD

And the 3 single-song recordings from bootlegmania, which are Forest of October, Demon of the Fall and The Drapery Falls.
i've got 13 opeth audio bootlegs, the ones you could download from the [dead] site opeth.goddamnbastard.org. i downloaded also some of the live shows [they were 5], but i missed 3 parts out of four of the show in *.avi format from montreal, and the biggest one, which was over 700MB in size.

there was also a site called opethbootlegs.cjb.net, but it was not updated anymore, and now it seems it's dead too.

btw, moonlapse, can we change some opeth bootlegs? i can tell you what i need and vice versa...

oh, yes, and i've got also the 3 videos from bootlegmania.net

maybe i'll post the pages from the sites i mentioned [i saved them on my HD]
I was the one who was managing the opethbootlegs.cjb.net website. Too little time for updates made me leave the project behind. But i still have the files and there is a lot of information to be handed out if anyone is interested.. both complete info on a great amount of bootlegs plus quite a extensive tour guide.

Perhaps someone on this list would be interested in continuing the project?!

/Peter Johansson