All the new Opeth fans

I am teh grimmest von grimmvald... I got Still Life and MAYH for Christmas 3 years ago. :)
WTF? Can you really expect all the new fans to go directly in to opeth apostle mode? I don't think so, it's a whole series of development. Or something like that at least... I think it's pretty cool a lot of pepople are "discovering" Opeth, and if they fall of the wagon in a year it's their loss.

But people pretending to be real hardcore fans at once, now THAT's something worth bringing out the ninja equipment to deal with.
...Chuck Norris just roundhouse kicked this thread right through my screen!

I am a new Opeth fan.
I recently discovered them through Porcupine Tree. The reason I dig them is because they have a lot of diversity in their music (a bit like PT).
I think the concept of the "hardcore" fan is a bit of a silly thing really.IMHO you either get what a band is all about or you don't. I understand people feeling protective over something they love, but being elitist only narrows your world.
I presume the fact that we are all here in this forum means that Opeth's music resonates with us all in some way-that makes us all "true" fans.
Na you may just be an internet nerd who got bored of the Slipknot forum.
Perhaps what I find more frusterating than the "new Opeth fans" are the old fans who think that because you're (me) 16, you obviously must have just picked up Ghost Reveries because of the RR promoting and thought "Man Im gonna be so cool and individual...I'm so fucking metal for picking up this CD..."...That kind of crap annoys the hell out of me because it's nothing but hypocrisy on the "old Opeth fans'" behalf. Grr.
Btw. 2nd post here. Seems fair cool thus far.
Korlich said:
I don´t really think you´re more a "trOO" Opeth fan just because you where lucky enough to discover them when they released Still life or Orchid for that matter.

I look at things this way, Opeth will change a lot music tastes for the better.

Well said. It doesn't matter when you got into them if their music manages to affect you in a life-changing way, and if that's the case you're gonna wanna research their whole back catalogue - In the end we're all united by a love for a great fucking band!

If GR brings in some new fans I agree it's a good thing - maybe it will change music tastes for the better.

And hey, at least GR didnt turn out like St. Anger...
Luz said:
I'm sorry but I have ovaries, babe. And you have balls... and that's how the earth works.
Quoted because your signature is the shit.
I discovered Opeth about 5 years ago via a compilation from Century Black called Firestarter . For the life of me I can't remember what song it was because I no longer have that CD , but it made a big impression on me (I'd never heard a song that fucking long , either !) . Then things got fucked up and I forgot all about them for a while . About a year ago I came upon Damnation by pure chance through my music club and that was it for me . I was officially obsessed . Raided all the local music stores for every Opeth album I could get my grubby paws on ! I've never heard metal so diverse and emotive and purely brutal all at once before .
Just want to say that I don't really give a shit what category of fans I'm in - I'm here for the music , and to hell with the rest .
What the hell is wrong with listening to Opeth, new or not? Opeth is very diverse in there music, and people can like them for a lot of different reasons. Whether it be the poetic lyrics, the hardcore vocals (God please don't let that be the sole reason), or just the plain fact that everything about the band is good. I listen to it for all the reasons, except for the heavy vocals. I like them, but if they had to resort to just one, i'd choose clean.

Not only did I discover Opeth late, I discoverd music itself late. I got into music from "In The End" or whatever by Linkin Park. Scratched that quickly then became a full fledged Metallica Man. I always despised heavy vocals and that put me away, I refused to give Opeth, or any other heavier band a chance. But the one song that got me into Opeth was Masters Apprentice. Now It's my least listened to Opeth song. When I started listening, It was before GR. I now own every single cd. I love them. And there are no bad albums. It's not like a shit ass mainstream in which they have 1, maybe 2, songs that everyone likes and all the other songs are terrible. (Though in reality, those one or 2 songs suck as well) I'm still not a metalhead, but I am a huge Opeth fan. I'm not goth, I never listened to bands such as Slipknot.

My basic point is, people who start listening now may love the music more than people who have been listening since Orchid. It's potential waiting to happen. My potential to like them waited because I wasn't properly introduced. I'm not afraid to admit im a semi-new huge Opeth lover. Because I know it's true. Opeth has created beautiful atmospheric music that effects me deeply.

But, when people listen to it for the heavy vocals, or just because they think it's cool, then good for them. But they arn't listening to it, they're hearing it.

Obviously i'm new to the forum. But i've been reading posts for a while, and this is the first time I fealt I needed to reply.
The first time I heard Opeth was when a guy sent me "Bleak" over MSN and he said "isn't this the most melodic thing you've ever heard?!" and I said "no it's pile of shit".
I was into nu-metal and metalcore at the time so of course I wouldn't be able to see the greatness of Opeth.
Last year I had a friend who was into Opeth.. I'd say more the softer side than heavy though.. and I was looking for some good ambient type ballads at the time.. just some easy listening music and Opeth was just a name popping up at the time.
Also there's an earlier occasion when I found out Damnation wasn't a very heavy album at all. I was in the record store (I was still into that nu-metal and etc. but this was probably a year later than the first experience I had with Opeth) and I always asked one of the staff at the time "have you got any metal recommendations for me? A guy said Opeth are pretty heavy.. Wrong album for what I was looking for though..
But anyway, that's how I came to look into Opeth and know that Damnation had no trace of death metal in it. The name just kept popping up and there was a thread on Megadeth forums so I decided to see what all this hubbub was about and I said "give me some recommendations" .. a track that popped up a lot was White Cluster and the rest from Still Life. I put their heavy side on delay for a while though and got Damnation and I loved it. Then when I got Still Life it took a while to get into the death metal side of things.
I think playing an instrument really helped understand the music and appreciate it a whole lot more.
I then went into all the other Opeth releases and to this day Still Life has been my favourite and my friend who was into Opeth before me couldn't get into albums like Orchid and Morningrise (I'm guessing because it's a little more raw) so I joined the bandwagon later near the Ghost Reveries release and I find that to be down the lower end of Opeth's albums for me.
I know that Roadrunner will get heaps of those fans that like metalcore and nu-metal at the moment... and of course it's natural for me to get fucked off.. especially at this:
Eric Paradox said:
Last night I stood behind some kid with tight white girl jeans and an Atreyu hoodie and poufed-out scenester hair for an hour of Opeth's set.. and I had to just remind myself, "Roadrunner, Eric, Roadrunner..."

Kid got the perfect spot right up front and in the middle, and he just sat there with a bummed look on his face and arms crossed. (really, who pays 30 bucks to sit there and look bored?)

I can't assume that kid wasn't fully appreciating Opeth but it sounds like it.
Opeth are coming over to NZ on 29th April and most likely I won't make it unless I get a job very soon which I'm trying to do.. but it seems to be turning out unsuccessful and it just angers me to think of the people that will get to go and take it for granted .. like the ones who actually live in Auckland and are going for the sake of going or because they heard the first 30 seconds of "Ghost of Perdition" and thought it was "psycho just like Slipknot".
what the hell is with all the bitch fighting in this thread? Fucking hell guys, grow up.

Think about it: Categorising Opeth fans on when they got into the band is a bit ridiculous, no? Give the new guys a chance, they are no less fans than you are just because you got into them x albums before they did.

All the mallcore kids will get bored of Opeth and go away eventually and leave the real new fans. I say we welcome some fresh blood into these forums.
ChrisEmerson said:
what the hell is with all the bitch fighting in this thread? Fucking hell guys, grow up.

What thread are you reading? I'm only seeing here how everyone says it's ok to like Opeth if you're a new fan and so on and each post seems to be repeating that. I don't understand how this topic is 4 pages long when everyone keeps saying the same thing actually, but thats just me...
I'd heard of Opeth a few years back when i was still listening to the likes of Rage Against the Machine and Papa Roach but i had no idea who they were.

My first experience of them will have been just over two and half years ago now. I was recommnded the band Otep by a friend of mine, i got the names confused and thus i downloaded "The Funeral Portrait". It blew me away.

I own some of their albums, i've travelled to see them live, i'm on their offical forum and i even berate new fans for only getting into them since they signed to Roadrunner (tongue in cheek). I wouldn't call myself a hardcore fan, they're my favourite band, but in comparison to a lot of you guys i'm a relative n00b.

What Roadrunner have done in terms of promoting them is on the one hand pretty good and on the other pretty awful. Example; The best new metal sensation since Slipknot!.

I remember there being a flyer that looked somthing like that with the and sitting on the ground in front of the camera. Now lets see. Best new metal sensation? Yes (at least in mainstream music) but hold on...since Slipknot?

Frankly it just sort of cheapens them to put them in the same sentence as a band who are so utterlly inferior. The only good part of that band was the drummer. It'd be like saying "Madonna; the best new pop sensation since ABBA!"

As for the new fans. They don't bother me, at least they're getting into some really great music be it only since 'Peth signed to Roadrunner or not. No doubt they'll look in their back catalogue and be just as in awed by that as "Ghost Reveries".

On they otherhand there was a small podgey 12 year old in corpse paint at the Leeds Uk gig. If you're on here small podgey 12 year old in corpse paint, my mates and i were the ones laughing at you from behind. You looked like a spenk and you are now my wuppin' boy!

Really! What were you expecting? That you would tuyrn up and everyone would be in corpse paint? I mean come one! Dammit it wasn't even very well applied! And we could see were, upon entering the gig and seeing that no one else had applied corpse paint, you'd desperatly tried to wash it off.

"Shit shit shit! I look like a spenk those proper metallers are going to wupp' me!" *scrub scrub scrub*

Mind you, you did give us something to laugh about on the way home.

Opeth ticket £13, Return ticket to Leeds £35, opeth T-shirt £15, laughing at a podgey 12 year old in corpse paint...priceless.
Why the hell have I missed this thread!?

I got into Opeth from my brother, at first I hated them and then I gave them a chance by listening to all of Deliverance. I loved it. Now I own every one of their albums. Uhh... that's it. No 5 paragraph explanation from me!

The fact that I joined after Ghost Reveries was released was purely coincidence; I've been a fan since way before that.
I have been a fan since just before the release of Deliverance (someone lent me Blackwater Park). My jaw has yet to leave the floor completely :)
I joined here so recently because I didn't know about it before then. Simple as that. I consider myself as much of an opeth fan as anyone else.