This forum is overly critical of opeth

KeithRT99 said:
I've noticed that opeth fans, at least on this forum, and children of bodom fans are super critical of everything opeth or bodom does. Its like nothing they do is ever good enough. its like Everyone hates deliverance and ghost reveries, and there's this elitist "orchid and morningrise are the only good albums" group i always see. I just felt like saying it. Flame away

I agree, and the reason is that the average joe here seems to fit a stereotype of an elitist fan who doesn't go out to explore different bands. Hence they sit here and nitpick.
Silent Song said:
nothing could be further from the truth.

this board is #1 for finding out about bands because Opeth fans tend to be open-minded.
No, were COLSED minded :tickled:
I've been on UM for around a year now, but have only been checking out this forum for a few months, and I noticed this right off the bat. Why put so much faith in a band that really isn't going to satisfy you? Those who hate the old, hate the new, hate the middle, if you love Opeth so much why hate anything they do? I have been a fan of Opeth for many years now, and love everything they have to offer, old and new. The music speaks for itself. Opeth's vision has never changed. The music within reflects the story it pertains to. All the albums are good, from start to finish. All the setlists are incredible, and the only people that truly spoil either are the "fanbase" that refuse to understand them. Opeth is a band, not a social status.
See that's the thing... music IS a social status now... it's just what our society has become. It's just like owning a Porsche, you see. If some jerk owns a Porsche he often feels like he can look down on the "little people" driving a Ford Taurus or some such domestic. So it is with music listeners. If I listen to complex, deep music like Opeth, apparently I can look down upon the mindless goobers who listen to Green Day and The All-American Rejects.

It has to do, like most status symbols, with stereotypes. If you buy a Gucci bag, you are hip. If you buy a plain handbag, you are white trash. Any socialite can tell you that. TRL was popular for so many years because it showed music that sheep-like teenagers (particularly females) would listen to and latch on to like lampreys on a trout; bands like Korn, N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Eminem, etc. MTV still uses this philosophy today by exploiting bullshit such as 50 Cent, The Pussycat Dolls, and the entire Warped Tour.

Smart folk stayed away from this drivel and listened to decent red-blooded God-fearing music like In Flames, at least until they became commercial, and God forbid any hard-working band try to sell some records! Oh no we can't have that. We want our music to be so underground that nobody, including us or the band members themselves, has ever heard of it. We want our music to sound like a druid is being eaten by a werewolf in a forest on the fucking Moon.

But I digress. The basic idea is we don't want the people driving Tauruses to suddenly be able to afford a Porsche, because WE DON'T WANT TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THEM. People don't actually hate artists for becoming popular unless they have marginalized their music in order to do so; we hate being fans of the same bands as MTV-watching mental dwarves.

Instead of being proud of White Trash Tanya next door for realizing that a Gucci bag will reflect better upon her tastes, we feel that her owning one somehow drags us down into a lower social class. This is simply the way humans are because humans have a pathological and undeniable need to feel better than other people. It's sad, because when a band becomes popular we SHOULD feel happy for them, their hard work paid off and they are getting the recognition they deserve. But NOOOO, Indie Rock Dumbass Tommy from my high school now likes Opeth, so they are no longer cool. I must get into an even more underground band with a name I cannot even pronounce from Eastern Bumfuckistan and then I will be cool!

People are sad. It's the truth.
What's the deal with the Pussycat Dolls anyway. They were on some show here last night and really, if that wasn't one of the worst excuses for music I've ever heard... It seems that bar you have to jump to make commercial success is getting progressively lower, as the image you present to the audience becomes ever more crucial.
Moonlapse said:
What's the deal with the Pussycat Dolls anyway. They were on some show here last night and really, if that wasn't one of the worst excuses for music I've ever heard...

My question would be more like: Who are the Pussycat Dolls? Sounds like a burlesque show that decided to become a singing group (or do they actually play music so you could call them a band?)
And on another note, this forum is relatively calm in the few days I've been checking it out (only recently ventured from the PPUSA area). At most there seems to be personal attacks, not band attacks. Like someone else mentioned, go to Blabbermouth, and you'll be surprised if anyone in that metal community actually likes any metal bands.
A few things. I've been on this board for quite some time, and seen it change a lot. Things right now aren't too bad, except for ridiculous amount of threads started, and how many of them are easily answered by the FAQ. That is annoying.

Some people don't realize that just because someone posts here doesn't mean that Opeth is their favorite band ever. Noobs are hard to deal with at times. If Opeth is the only extreme metal band someone listens to, (and Opeth isn't even that extreme) then they are probably likely to be the fanboys that are ridiculed all over the place. The people who have at least delved moderately into more underground extreme metal bands are less likely to be fanboys, but more likely to have something critical to say at times, because they've heard many albums, and some are better than those Opeth has recorded.

The original poster has seriously misjudged the forum. I'd say at worst, a few (25% or less) of the people here think D1 and GR are average/okay albums AT WORST. You can hardly find anyone who sincerely dislikes maybe more than one album or a handful of songs. This is a pretty positive forum as far as support goes. The "elitist 'orchid and morningrise are the only good albums' group" you spoke of is outnumbered severalfold by the MAYH/SL fanboys.

I'm glad that Gunhaver and his cronies are gone. It's a better place here now.
MasterOLightning said:
I'm glad that Gunhaver and his cronies are gone.


Two things:

1) CoB suck

2) I love everything Opeth have done including Deliverance, even if I slag on it sometimes. Orchid through Ghost Reveries. I enjoy them all. So I don't understand the hatred towards any album but I respect people who think differently (except shark, because he thinks D1 is better than SL and GR :grin: ).
shark22 said:
Hey, Excuz me "foo" I just so happen to type fast and who are you mr. linguist? :p

Typing fast and not knowing/bothering with spelling and basic punctuation are two different things. I always get yelled at for typing too fast. It freaks people out when they see me. I make mistakes but I also am a fast backspace user. My only major issue now is I still suck at the english language.

(Lets start flaming now to prove the OP right!)