This forum is overly critical of opeth

Gunahver was very good at photoshop and came up with some hilarious shit...but I agree the place is mellower without him.
I would certainly hope they think Slipknot is cool! Opeth shouldn't be a cool band. People who like Slipknot can like them, but it should be their dirty little secret... "Yeah, when I'm not moshing to decent death metal like Slipknot I hide in my room and listen to Opeth". Thats how it should be. Or maybe it doesn't matter, if they like it they like it. But I don't think Opeth have what it takes to become a really cool band, because they don't wear masks.
well as far as peaceful forums Mike Portnoys forum is defently the best Imo. i like this forum a lot though.
I think Opeth gets too much praise here and takes too much shit. Granted, the praise isn't surprising, since their forum is obviously a gathering place for folks who have a great appreciation for what the band does. That said, there is quite a bit of over-the-top fanboyism that goes on here (no offense to fanboys is intended). I tend to think the bashing that goes on, is a result of two things. First, it's a reaction to the fanboys who think Mikael's ass tastes like French Vanilla ice cream. Second, there are some jaded fans who won't be happy until Opeth remakes __________ (fill in your favorite pre-BWP CD here).

Each of Opeth's CD, subsequent to "Still Life" (my intro to Opeth, and still my favorite), I've warmed up to much after its release. I now really enjoy both "Blackwater Park" and "Deliverance" (I liked "Damnation" right off the bat, though I feel it could have been better). However, I just don't see myself warming up to "Ghost Reveries". With past Opeth releases, there were songs that didn't grab me, didn't excite me. I eventually grew to love these songs. However, there are tracks on GR that I genuinely dislike. That isn't the type of thing that's likely to change.
