Downloading music is a nice or evil thing?


Fallen Angel
Mar 16, 2002
If somebody here likres Dark Tranquillity, should know they´ll release a new album, Damage Done, on July 21º. Nobody knows how, but the album´s songs are already available on the Internet, in Audio Galaxy, Kazaa, etc. All, except for two of them, called "The Enemy" and "White Noise/Black Silence". No one owns this mp3s. Well, I posted in the Dark Tranquillity board here in UM, asking if somebody there have this song, and most of the people there almost crucified me, saying I was offending the band by asking that, that it was a illegal thing to do, and this bla bkla bla. In my point of view, I wasnt offending the band by looking for their work. Some people there supported this opinion to.

What do You thing about this Mp3 stuff?
i think it's a good thing, because you can hear the music with the mp3 and if you like you can buy the cds or go to the shows,if it wasen't mp3 i wouldn't know bands like icedearth,darkmoor,edguy,sonaarctica and etc,...
and after hearng their songs i bougth some albuns and went to their shows, so in the end i think the band doesn't loose anything with the mp3
It was offensive for the band because you were talking about downloading the music in THEIR official forum, nothing wrong with getting it if you're gonna buy the album but talking about it in the forum is not polite.
indeed. i dont think band would be offended, but i saw a guy in Ag forum saying that Staenne was very sad about this "sabotage", and ONE guy on that board asked me to dele the thread politely, so i did it. But most of them acted like assholes. but that´s ok, it was my mistake at all.
Again...I don't think downloading the mp3 is a bad thing, but as someone said, Stanne got sad, because someone they trusted uploaded their new album to the inet, so it's not polite to talk about it in the band's official forum, got me now?
i think he wasnt expecting that the new songs spread so faster over the net. a month before the release, i kills anyone.
uhn, i dont thing they'll make low profit out of it. As someone said before, people that download mp3 buy more album. I know it dont mean a lot, but I'll buy it and I dont care about the rest. Heehe.
InMyOpinion MP3 is a double-edge sword, as long as we realize that we should support our bands by getting their albums the MP3 thing is an excellent idea for making publicity.
I think there is a problem with downloading MP3's, only when your downloading a whole heap of songs or a full album. I think downloading a few songs is great, cause if you like it you can go out and buy the album. When you download a whole album or a lot of songs from one band and not buy a CD, then you are robbing them and not supporting. A lot of metal bands don't make that much to start off with.