Drag me to hell

Jeez, did Sam Raimi travel back in time to 1985, where he announced to his 80's self that he was a rich and famous director from the future, only to have said 80's self kill the future rich and famous director, return to the future and take his place where he and Ivan wrote and later directed Drag Me To Hell?

Drag me to hell, had the overall look, camera moves, direction, sound and (mainly) FX from Evil Dead 2. Funny, damn movie. Twas entertaining, but no Bruce.

it was the first time he had worked with that cinematographer since then..
Sounds like one of those movies where you must embrace excess amounts of cheesiness without the sheer awesome factor of Bruce Campbell, so yeah, I'm gonna skip this one. On a side note though, I don't remember where else I saw that girl, but I recall her being annoying to an extent and I FUCKING HATE JUSTIN LONG. Besides overpriced bullshit quality products and the consistent fabrication of truth that apple bestows upon the masses, Justin Long would be the other reason as to why I will never touch a mac or apple product. He should've ended his career after Waiting and saved me a ton of grief...
In every scene of Justin Long's in the film, he is surrounded by Apple products, replete with iphone "extreme closeups" hahaha
I agree, but that's it. Even the cameo he did in Zack and Miri was pretty mediocre as far as I'm concerned. The rest of his movies from then on were nothing short of lincoln log-sized turds. He's just not that into you... Seriously? Just because Ryan Reynolds decided to adopt this path of immeasurable douchebaggery first, doesn't mean your agent is right when he tells you to follow in his footsteps.