Dragonforce and Heavenly

As Herman pointed out after the Symphony X gig, it's on Friday 13th!!!! He also said they were a couple of weeks off finishing up their new album so I guess it should be out sometime around then....
London again eh? Heavenly I would love to see..they were excellent last time I saw them.....but not that fussed about Dragonforce! (Was I the only person who was not that impressed by their Bloodstock performance?) So it's a 'no can do" for me I'm afraid.....just a bit too far! If it was Wolverhampton I maybe would go! :p
well i live in Chesterfield and made the effort to go see heavenly when they played at the underworld with edguy and gamma ray. they were awesome......so i just booked 3 tickets for me and a couple of mates to go see em again
Dragonmaiden - as you know, I wasn't over impressed by dragonforce at BS03 either - too much competition between members and hardly any gelling ( even if the excuse that they play so fast it is hard to get the sound right is taken on board! ). BUT - would be nice to see heavenly again - enjoyed them at the gamma ray Edguy gig before.
Every time I've seen Dragonforce they've been let down by their sound...in fact the only decent sound they've had was on the Halford tour and a gig in Rugby where they had just the stage sound, no PA so no soundman!! It is difficult when you've got bands playing at their speed to get the sound right, especially when you consider the two guitars, bass and keyboards don't just 'double up' parts. Shame really as they are good live, not military precision perfect but I for one don't want them to be!! I'd much rather see a band onstage with a bit of character, actually going out and enjoying themselves rather than seeing statues onstage staring downwards at their instruments!!

Oh and London naysayers, seeing as Dragonforce are from London, where do you think it makes sense for them to play???
That's why the show will be on FRIDAY 13th! Perfect day for the luck we have had there with our sound.
Rumours are, we actually gonna get our own soundman for the show! Woohoo!
MentaLee said:
Every time I've seen Dragonforce they've been let down by their sound...in fact the only decent sound they've had was on the Halford tour and a gig in Rugby where they had just the stage sound, no PA so no soundman!! It is difficult when you've got bands playing at their speed to get the sound right, especially when you consider the two guitars, bass and keyboards don't just 'double up' parts. Shame really as they are good live, not military precision perfect but I for one don't want them to be!! I'd much rather see a band onstage with a bit of character, actually going out and enjoying themselves rather than seeing statues onstage staring downwards at their instruments!!

Oh and London naysayers, seeing as Dragonforce are from London, where do you think it makes sense for them to play???

Yep I accept what you're saying Lee and I appreciate that why they are playing in London....but I'm still not going...especially on Friday the 13th. I can't live through another journey from hell!! :erk:
MentaLee said:
Every time I've seen Dragonforce they've been let down by their sound...in fact the only decent sound they've had was on the Halford tour
Yep, agreed. They've had awful sound whenever I've seen them, with the exception of their Mean Fiddler show with Halford, and to a lesser extent, their Underworld show with Stratovarius. The Halford show was by far the best I've seen them.
Halford shows + Strato show = no keyboards = minus 2 stereo keyboards in the mix.
Less instruments, less frequencies at 200bpm = easier to mix for a band with no sound check! ;)

Had a great sound in Germany, maybe cos they know how to produce this type of music live?

Lee...Rugby show, the PA were only used to power the keys and vocals, the rest from the backline that's probably why it sounded good.

Hell to doubling hehe!
What´s up people ?
PE from Heavenly here. Just wanted to say we´re really glad to play with our labelmates Dragonforce for the first time. We´ve played at the Underworld before, and we can´t wait to come back to ole England to play a longer show for you guys (first time we had only 20 minutes because Edguy and Gamma Ray headlined, there were also Nostradameus and Lullacry as openers and because of the very early curfew). Hope to see a whole lot you there !
Cheers mates
woohoo, shred / pe. cant wait to see you guys at underworld. got my tickets through already now i am counting days lol just gotta get this Christmas thing out the way HUMBUG
regards to all from TheSaviour