Dragonforce... WTF?


Sep 16, 2002
Harrow, Middx., UK
So along I went to Dragonforce tonight. Got to the Underworld shortly before 19:00, and rather than the usual handful of people hanging around the door, there was a massive queue! This isn't what I'm used to... a popular metal gig. Furthermore, they were turning people away from the box office, as it was apparently sold out. I guess their slot at Bloodstock and the release of the album has helped, 'coz they were nowhere near this popular when they last played the Underworld.

Anyway, it was great to see a packed out venue for once, and I'm sure it helped create a great atmosphere for the bands, as both put on great performances. After a mediocre performance supporting Gamma Ray / Edguy, I was a bit underwhelmed by Heavenly. But tonight was a different proposition altogether, and I thought they played a great set. Dragonforce have been heading in the direction of Spinal Tap for far too long, and it was starting to detract from the music. Fortunately, tonight was a step back in the right direction, and they were probably the best I've seen them since Halford. The track they played from the new album sounds pretty good, too. A great evening, then, and good to see the Underworld full again. Perhaps most surprisingly for a power metal show, it wasn't just us old farts -- there were a large number of youngsters there too, so perhaps we're seeing a surge in popularity of decent music amongst the younger generation. I know one gig's not much of an indicator by itself, but we can hope...

Oh, I still don't get crowd surfing, though. How anyone thinks that them kicking me in the head is going to contribute to my enjoyment of the evening is beyond me!
Tet said:
So along I went to Dragonforce tonight. Got to the Underworld shortly before 19:00, and rather than the usual handful of people hanging around the door, there was a massive queue! This isn't what I'm used to... a popular metal gig. Furthermore, they were turning people away from the box office, as it was apparently sold out. I guess their slot at Bloodstock and the release of the album has helped, 'coz they were nowhere near this popular when they last played the Underworld.

Anyway, it was great to see a packed out venue for once, and I'm sure it helped create a great atmosphere for the bands, as both put on great performances. After a mediocre performance supporting Gamma Ray / Edguy, I was a bit underwhelmed by Heavenly. But tonight was a different proposition altogether, and I thought they played a great set. Dragonforce have been heading in the direction of Spinal Tap for far too long, and it was starting to detract from the music. Fortunately, tonight was a step back in the right direction, and they were probably the best I've seen them since Halford. The track they played from the new album sounds pretty good, too. A great evening, then, and good to see the Underworld full again. Perhaps most surprisingly for a power metal show, it wasn't just us old farts -- there were a large number of youngsters there too, so perhaps we're seeing a surge in popularity of decent music amongst the younger generation. I know one gig's not much of an indicator by itself, but we can hope...

Oh, I still don't get crowd surfing, though. How anyone thinks that them kicking me in the head is going to contribute to my enjoyment of the evening is beyond me!
Nice summing up! I'm glad I did buy a ticket in advance as I didn't expect it to be sold out either. It seems that Sanctaury invited over a bunch of foreign journos and music biz folks for some shindig to launch the album tomorrow as I ran into a couple of folks I know from France who would not have been here under other circumstances.

Heavenly Massively better than the last time I saw them. Great songs, riffs and Fred has improved immensely as a vocalist.

Dragonforce Well this time the fun was provided by the audience (Plastic swords and axe in evidence) as the band concentrated on playing - aided by, for once (thank fuck) a decent mix - yay! :rock: I could even hear the keys. Definately the most polished of the 6/7 gigs I've seen from the band. I wanted to hear more of the new album, but given Sanctuary's paranoia, I suppose that we should be grateful that we got to hear one new tune, at least.

Fantastic to see so many youngsters! Brilliant to see that tiny kid decked out with a Tshirt, patches etc too [his dad's obviously bringing him up right]

There was a real sense of enthusiasm, of something special happening, which is rarely present at gigs. The Power Metal Renaissance is under way!
I'm glad you guys bought your tickets in advance too.......I got there just after 8, nice sign on the wall saying "Tonights gig is sold out"...yeah, right, bollocks it is I think to myself!! At this point there's still quite a few people hanging about outside, so I make a quick 10 min(!) phonecall and as I'm waffling away, notice the people hanging about outside buying tickets......I get off the phone and speak to security man who says if I had spoken to him two mins before I could have had one of the spares, but he's just sold the last one!!!

There's a lesson to be learnt there (unless you like doing 200 mile round trips for nothing!!!!!)

Took my hat off when I got in and it appears I have a four letter word written on my forehead.........
Well, me and a couple of m8's made a 300 mile round trip..was the second time i've seen both bands...heavenly have improved a hell of a lot and what can i say about dragonforce? fucking awesome thats what.... was a great show...........even the flying people were fun.
the people in the queue right down the street was too fucking funny when the guy came out and told them the queue was the other side..
agree with everything thats been said (except chazzy heavnlys vocalist is called ben :) )
only minor minor grumble is lack of merchandise was hoping to pick up heavenlys new album and maybe a t shirt but that didnt distract from the gig it was a great night
MentaLee said:
I'm glad you guys bought your tickets in advance too.......I got there just after 8, nice sign on the wall saying "Tonights gig is sold out"...yeah, right, bollocks it is I think to myself!! At this point there's still quite a few people hanging about outside, so I make a quick 10 min(!) phonecall and as I'm waffling away, notice the people hanging about outside buying tickets......I get off the phone and speak to security man who says if I had spoken to him two mins before I could have had one of the spares, but he's just sold the last one!!!

There's a lesson to be learnt there (unless you like doing 200 mile round trips for nothing!!!!!)

Took my hat off when I got in and it appears I have a four letter word written on my forehead.........

MentaLee.....I can't believe you drove all that way without having a ticket! :erk:
....and I can't believe the likelihood of the show being a total sellout but there you go!!! I've never bought a ticket in advance for any Underworld show yet and I've seen waaaay bigger bands than DF in there.

You live and learn...and this time I learnt the hard way!!!

[heads off to Ticketbastard to order his Macabre ticket for next Saturday just in case!!!]