Well that was BS 03

Catharsis said:
Yes, this is why I returned to Bloodstock this year. Even if Nightwish weren't headlining (realistically they were teh only band I really wanted to see), I'd still have gone solely on the back of the great memories I have from 2002.

It's great to have a festival where everyone's on pretty much the same level. Most people weren't trying to be crazy or 'different', and no one was attempting to be incredibly elite or anything. It was just a big gathering of 2500 incredibly friendly people with one thing in common!


Totally agree, awesome people, awesome atmosphere. The only bit of trouble I spotted was when a couple guys had a bit of a handbag fight after Saxon but I think all that actually got punched was the air.

It was also a pleasure to see no scabby little fuckers in Papa Roach or Linkin Park T shirts.
I found Jorn Lande to be a bit of a disappointing frontman, TBH. For me, bassist Jan was the star of Masterplan's performance. HE was the one making the effort to stir up the crowd, not Jorn. Anyone notice how he would get the crowd to clap or say "hey!" in time to the beat or whatever and then reward us with a thumbs-up gesture? He seemed to turn that into something of a trademark, like Winston Churchill's "V" gesture.

One thing I did find interesting about Jorn's vocals though was that he improvised the vocal melodies and rhythms very slightly, like he'd change the last few notes of a verse or something. I don't know if anyone else noticed this.
In defence of Jorn Lande, does anybody that wanted to see Masterplan realise how close they came to not seeing them ? . Whilst chatting to Roland Grapow at the signing , which Jorn did not attend , we found out that Jorn was suffering from a bad bout of flu and a dodgy throat !. Roland even made a comment that he was not sure if they were going to make it . So come on give him some slack , he did get to the stage and had a go . Perhaps he wasnt 100% but much respect is due !!
Yeah, now that you mention it, I remember talking to Jan about Jorn having the flu. But to be honest I thought his singing was mostly fine after a dodgy first few songs. I just didn't think he captivated the crowd the way, say, Tobias Sammet did. Maybe I'm being unfair comparing him to someone as good as Tobias, though, I dunno...
Masterplan were fucking excellent and very entertaining.

I met them properlyafter the signing as friends of mine are friends of Roland and Jan and I can honestly say they're an excellent, funny bunch of fellows. I hope I get to meet and see them all again very soon.