Bloodstock 03 - Wat Did U Fink?


Master of the Earth
Oct 20, 2002
royston, herts, england
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wat did u all think of this years event, eres wat i thort:

Fukin brilliant!
the friday night kiked ass, 5th man down were alot better than i thort, power quest were all i hoped theyd be, blaze permoned with wall to wall charisma and endless energy, and saxon was the perfect end to the perfect evening

on sat i stayed in he main hall so i can only speak for tht but i loved almost every second! mercury rain were a nice starter band, they werent too wild and full of energy and were perfect to start the evening, dragonforce was for me the highlight of the evening as im a massive fan ne way and the performered emensly well, fukin exerllent, who was up next?saracen werent it? they were good but i found em a bit monotonious, i thort the music was great but there didnt seem to much going on and apart form the lead singer none of em were into it much. Masterplan fukin kiked ass and were another highlight for me, i dont need to say, ne one who was there saw how good they were.edguy next, and i tihnk they performed better than ne other band and the music was great too, great!!!. paradise lost were the only band i didnt enjoy tht much, i found it like watchin a few robots performing the same actions over and over, no variation, and altho the music was quite good it didnt make up for 1) the lack of hair (lol) and the crappy showmanship, they were still worthy of bloodstock but how they got second on the bill i dont no. Lastly the mighty nightwish who were great and altho it took fukin forever for them to get out it was worth the wait, and their cover of ozzys craxy train was a nice break from the nightwish's famous high piched opera vocals, however much we love em.

wat u all fink?
I had a brilliant two days all round but the highlights for me had to be Power Quest and Saxon on Friday and Dragonforce and Fourwaykill (not my usuall type of thing as I am a glam girl at heart but fourwaykill dragged out my heavy metal soul by the roots) on Saturday. Not to mentoin getting autographs and photos with Power Quest (thanks again guys) Planning to go next year already and can't wait. Well worth every penny spent and plesantly surprised by the stalls loads of cool c.d.s only regret was not enough money to buy them all. Never mind will come better prepared next year.
two words..... CRUEL HUMANITY....
they fuckin ruled the second stage, they're definately first stage material...
here's what i thought of some of the bands i saw...
5th Man Down : Prety Good
Powerquest : Very Good
Blaze : Great
Saxon : Very Good

Bumsnogger : Not Bad
Cruel Humanity : Fucking Amazing.. can't stop listening to cd
Dragon Force : Very Good
Edguy : Hammerfall would have been much better
Masterplan : Very Very Good
Paradise Lost : Excelent
Nightwish : Amazing
Got to see 18 of the bands and almost all were very good.
I saw at least part of eight second stage bands, and Bumsnogger apart (no one else due to play?) there wasn't a lot of people in the room at all. Maybe 100 at the end of Biomechanical? way down to 40 or 50 for some of the others. Maybe there was more for the ones I missed?
Just dosn,t seem to be a good use of resources if hardly anyone goes.
Dissapointments of the weekend were;
Saracen not playing their best song, Crusader - criminal.
And talking about criminal someone should lock up the bar manager, the beer was crap(actually undrinkable early on friday), expensive, £4.90 for 2 pints and they still ran out! I never saw anyone worse for wear with drink all weekend.
Lack of merchandise from a lot of the bands, none at all or soon ran out. Get your act together and make some cash for heavens sake!
Nightwish I must be missing something, their whole thing just didn't work for me.
Catharsis said:
I can only speak for Nightwish here, but apparantly the reason they had none onsale is that it wasn't delivered to the venue on time.
Not convinced. There wasn't any on sale on the Sunday gig at the Mean Fiddler either. From what I was told, they just didn't bring any over to the UK with them.
Bearintown said:
Got to see 18 of the bands and almost all were very good.
Ha! Beat you... I got 20, or 21 if you count Biomechanical twice. I think the only band I missed were Fourway Kill, because they were conflicting with someone far more worthy of my time (Masterplan, I think, or was it Edguy?). But I'd seen them supporting Blaze earlier in the year, and wasn't too upset about that anyway. They're not really my thing. I agree, though, that most of the bands were very good, even the ones I hadn't heard of. Of those that I saw, only Bumsnogger, Waylander and Invey really weren't worth me staying for the duration fo the set.
The Festi Fuckin Rocked!

Nightwish, What Can I Say F-in Awsome! The Greatest Experience Of My Life, Ive Been A Huge Fan For 2 Years And Was Dyin To See Em Live, And They Didnt Dissapoint 1 Bit Worth The Entire Weekend!!!

Saracen Dont Play Crusader Do They, Thats Saxon, And They Played It (not Heard Much Saracen In The Past But Crusader Is 1 Of Saxons Most Famous Songs? And They Played It On The Friday Night!

I Loved All The Bands And I Thought Fulc Where Amazing, Altho I Only Caught The Last 15mins As Edguy Where Shockingly Superb And Stayed In For They Entire Set So Missed The First Lot Of Fulc But What I Saw Was Amazing So I Bought The Album, Ep And A T Shirt For My Girlfriend And Had The Album And The Ep Signed By The Band And Got An Inflatable Jagermeister Bottle From Them Lol :)
ironeagle said:
The Festi Fuckin Rocked!

Nightwish, What Can I Say F-in Awsome! The Greatest Experience Of My Life, Ive Been A Huge Fan For 2 Years And Was Dyin To See Em Live, And They Didnt Dissapoint 1 Bit Worth The Entire Weekend!!!

Saracen Dont Play Crusader Do They, Thats Saxon, And They Played It (not Heard Much Saracen In The Past But Crusader Is 1 Of Saxons Most Famous Songs? And They Played It On The Friday Night!

I Loved All The Bands And I Thought Fulc Where Amazing, Altho I Only Caught The Last 15mins As Edguy Where Shockingly Superb And Stayed In For They Entire Set So Missed The First Lot Of Fulc But What I Saw Was Amazing So I Bought The Album, Ep And A T Shirt For My Girlfriend And Had The Album And The Ep Signed By The Band And Got An Inflatable Jagermeister Bottle From Them Lol :)

Saracen don't play Crusader? AAARGH! its the first song on their masterpiece debut album released in 81, I don't think Saxon got round to having a song called that till after that.
Tet said:
Not convinced. There wasn't any on sale on the Sunday gig at the Mean Fiddler either. From what I was told, they just didn't bring any over to the UK with them.

If you look elsewhere on the messageboard (cant remember where) the reason for the lack of Nightwish merchandise was that the UK Carrier service they used failed to deliver on saturday and if they hadnt arrived then there was no chance of any merchandise at the Mean Fiddler on Sunday. The band have to use the means they can afford to transport their stuff and unfortunately this time Nightwish were let down. I'm sure the next time they come to the UK they'll use a different carrier and it wont happen again.
Well I think we can all agree the festival was a fantastic success! Best day-and-a-bit I've had this year! Beats the hell ouf trudging around a mucky, crowded field in Leeds/Reading where no-one wants to talk to you. Everything about it ruled except the fact that I ran out of money and couldn't buy Saracen's album (I really wanted that signing) or Bruce Dickinson's "best of" collection. Next year I'll be bringing at least £200 spending money and going home with a ton of albums! :cool:

Oh, and both Saxon AND Saracen have written tracks called Crusader.
I don't understand why people like Nightwish so much. I think they sucked big time but I Saxon, Blaze, Paradise Lost and Edguy was exellent.

Master Plan was soso.

I find Tarja's vocal extremely annoying and their music is too soft. I was standing there like a lemon thinking that all night. I was really angry for them covering Gary Moore classic Over The Hills And Far Away. They ruined it!

Doro is the real metal queen.

I think the event was ok but at times I felt extremely boring because I was there by myself. I didn't meet anyone interesting. Some people talked to me or I try to talk to them but it just doesn't work out but I wasn't really there to make friends or whatever.

Best moment for me was meeting Biff and I had my picture taken with him also I met Jess Cox and his wife at Neat/Edgy Records kiosks and I had nice conversation with them. He also gave me free CD.

And Paul Raymond Gregory and Mark from Power Play.

No more NIGHTWISH or Stratovarius etc.

I was also pissed off with Nightwish signing session also I wouldn't say why because it's pointless.

I might go again next year but I hope line up is better also I don't meet any idiots.

Less power metal bands please and more diverse metal style balance ie. Doom, Thrash, Death, Power, Normal Heavy Metal/Hard Rock, Black, Industrial etc.

PopcornDave said:
Oh, and both Saxon AND Saracen have written tracks called Crusader.

I adore that saxon track!!!

oh and good point about it being cool cuz everyone wants to chat!

meet loads of people .. some people ive talked to every year!

Hell... Eagle came bouncing up to Neil, RealWorld and myself.. and was seemingly over joyed to meet us. which was nice :D
Great weekend, enjoyed most bands. Blaze merchandise was top notch as usual. Well done Dave and Lyn you guys rock. :rock: