Wat Shirt Did U Wear To Bloodstock 03?

My Decapitated Dehumanisation of the UK Tour T-shirt. I saw one other guy with it, which was a new experience lol!

Im sure the girl he was with was at the decapitated gig i went to....dunno tho
ele_is_crazy said:
I decided not to wear a band shirt, so I wore my 'Is it Necrophillia if they're still twitching?' shirt, mwhaha. :Spin:
That quite literaly applies to Baletempest ;)
On Friday I was wearing a red Wacken 2003 shirt, and on Saturday, I wore my After Forever fan club shirt!!! I was also stood with 2 yes 2 Epica tshirt wearing dudes!!! (Hi Chazzy :wave: ) :)
sal666 said:
On Friday I was wearing a red Wacken 2003 shirt, and on Saturday, I wore my After Forever fan club shirt!!! I was also stood with 2 yes 2 Epica tshirt wearing dudes!!! (Hi Chazzy :wave: ) :)
YO Sal! good to see you here :)

I'd suggest that you dod some promo over at the Powerplay board, but I'll have to get it working again first :)
chazzyf said:
YO Sal! good to see you here :)

I'd suggest that you dod some promo over at the Powerplay board, but I'll have to get it working again first :)

Hiya!! Will do!!! I feel a lot of Whiplash and Biomechanical promotion coming up soon!!! Yayyy :hotjump:

I decided not to wear any band shirt I wore a sleeveless one so I could show my AKIRA tatoo and Japanese flag. I also have a large 'V' on my right arm. 100 points to anyone that knows what it means. No I am not a vegetarian!!
As for black clothes - I love black.

keep rockin'

UKN said:
Nightwish - Wishmaster tee - of course - Best band in the world - About time we Brits accepted that.

On that display I think your way off the mark. They were very very average, in after the first few tracks they were pretty damn boring.
Still each to there own.
Nightwish - erm average - not really. Highly original - yes, Superb musos - yes, Amazing songwriters - sure. Average - never.

Oh!, you like 'The Darkness' don't you?. Says it all really - I rest my case.