First of all, where were you Eagle and Dragonmaiden? I brought my beachball, so you'd reconise me!
What a weekend, totally enjoyed myself and even got very drunk as well.
Here's how I rated the bands I saw.
Blaze - Another great performance, just a pity they were obviously under reheased and had sound problems. 4/5
Saxon - Fookin' fantastic, best band of the weekend. 5/5
Dragonforce - I was wrong, I always said they sounded like Europe on speed, but they don't at all.
They sound even worse, more like Bonnie Tyler on Speed. Awful, made me glad I was in the pub for Powerquest. 1/5
Illuminatus - Superb stuff, very atmospheric with some great songs. 4/5
Bates Motel - Fantastic. One the award for most heavy band of the weekend, that still play with melody. Zack Wilde jamming with COC and Crowbar. Second best band of the weekend 5/5.
Fulc - Looked totaly out of place on the bill but rocked my arse off. Gave it there all to very small crowd. 4/5
Saracen - Very good if you didn't look at them. The singer reminded me of a cross between Dale Winton and Wayne Sleep! Some great musicianship though, nd some interesting music. 3/5
Masterplan - Excellent, if trying a bit to hard to be funny. What a voice. Could be the Rainbow of the 00 if they carry on producing great songs. 4/5
Edguy - Great performance and vocalist, pity the songs were only run of the mill average heavy metal 3/5.
Paradise Lost - Brilliant. A real breath of fresh air in a hall of gumby. Glad to see and here Nick taking no prisoners and what a great mullet gag!
Better than I'd imagined them to be and good to see them doing there own thing, instead of trying to please the crowd and playing a metal set. Watched these with Nibbs Cater, he loved them as well. 5/5
Nightwish - Yawn. Good vocalist, average band, appaling version of Crazy Train 2/5.
All in all it was one of the best festivals I've ever attended, a great atmosphere and I met some great people there as well. Roll on next year, and hopefully we'll have a decent Saturday headliner.
What a weekend, totally enjoyed myself and even got very drunk as well.
Here's how I rated the bands I saw.
Blaze - Another great performance, just a pity they were obviously under reheased and had sound problems. 4/5
Saxon - Fookin' fantastic, best band of the weekend. 5/5
Dragonforce - I was wrong, I always said they sounded like Europe on speed, but they don't at all.
They sound even worse, more like Bonnie Tyler on Speed. Awful, made me glad I was in the pub for Powerquest. 1/5
Illuminatus - Superb stuff, very atmospheric with some great songs. 4/5
Bates Motel - Fantastic. One the award for most heavy band of the weekend, that still play with melody. Zack Wilde jamming with COC and Crowbar. Second best band of the weekend 5/5.
Fulc - Looked totaly out of place on the bill but rocked my arse off. Gave it there all to very small crowd. 4/5
Saracen - Very good if you didn't look at them. The singer reminded me of a cross between Dale Winton and Wayne Sleep! Some great musicianship though, nd some interesting music. 3/5
Masterplan - Excellent, if trying a bit to hard to be funny. What a voice. Could be the Rainbow of the 00 if they carry on producing great songs. 4/5
Edguy - Great performance and vocalist, pity the songs were only run of the mill average heavy metal 3/5.
Paradise Lost - Brilliant. A real breath of fresh air in a hall of gumby. Glad to see and here Nick taking no prisoners and what a great mullet gag!

Nightwish - Yawn. Good vocalist, average band, appaling version of Crazy Train 2/5.
All in all it was one of the best festivals I've ever attended, a great atmosphere and I met some great people there as well. Roll on next year, and hopefully we'll have a decent Saturday headliner.