Dragonforce are teh best !

<-Warheart-> said:
I love Dragonforce. They suck Herman and Sam SUCK live though.

If you go see them, DO NOt expect to hear those solos played the same. :erk:
I KNOW! I SAW THEM LIVE AND WAS LIKE WTF! they made me sad :cry:
~blondie~ said:
I KNOW! I SAW THEM LIVE AND WAS LIKE WTF! they made me sad :cry:

I know, me too!

I actually felt kinda embarrassed for them, especially when Herman broke a string JUST before the awesome solo in Through the Fire and Flames, from doing that whammy bar lift too much. :cry:

And their sound levels were horrible.
Authentic Metalhead said:
You don't have to like it. If you don't want to listen to it, then don't.

That was, hands down, the lamest nickname I have EVER heard anyone give to a band. That and Selloutallica. :lol:
I didn't come up with the name lol