DragonForce Glasgow 9/12/06


Epic Metaller
Aug 8, 2006
Frankfurt, Germany
I know it may be sacralige but I'm making this thread now so later on I can post up the pix I'm takin tonight :D Besides I know Han will be wanting some Firewind :p

:headbang: :kickass: Tis going to be one FUCKING AWESOME NIGHT! :headbang: :kickass:
My other half went to the Birmingham Academy gig and was stunned that it was full to the gunnels ... about 2000 people in attendance! He missed Firewind ... but said DF were good. Seems a long time since they played Leeds Hyde Park Cellars to a handful of people ...

Have a good evening! :)
EEEEEEEEEE dom ur gonna have SUCH a GOOD time :D i had an awesome time last night, go look at my myspazz blog, its got pics....! :D OMG i have to go to ALL the french shows now :(
i <3 you :saint:


HOT! im loving the keyboard/guitar solo craziness...cept in manchester his amp cut out just as he started eep!
Saw the tour last night in Bristol. Firewind were awesome...as always!! All That Remains were abismal. Dragonforce were so-so. I enjoyed the night, but DF seemed to have lost the little thing that made me like them once upon a time!! It was very depressing when they played Heart of a Dragon, made the crowd sing along, and to be able to hear my voice very clearly over the silence.
Wow I don't think much of the Bristonian gig-goers...at the two DF gigs I've ever been to both the Glaswegians and Londonians were immensely vocal. Defeaningly so. Though I will say that each time I hear/see DF it's slowly getting very so-so. I'm giving them until the next album...if it's just more of the same I'll call it a day but hopefully they'll pull something different out of their arses...let's face it they have the talent, let's see them do something else with it.
went to bristol gig and have to agree with hmj

really enjoyed firewind (again, cos they were great opening progpower as well)
all that remains were out of place on the bill
dragonforce were great one minute and average the next, found myself distracted at some points during the set. was stuck right behind the metal fence behind the sound desk and was like i wasn't even at the gig at some point.

heart of a dragon ruled (one of the best moments of the night as i wasn't expecting it) but agree about the crowd silence during it, tho i sang the chorus as loud as i could

main problem is the fact that i'm not too keen on the new album, the band need to vary their music (it might have been better if they had stuck trail of broken hearts in half way to break it up) as they seem to be playing it safe

also sam seemed in a worse state than normal in terms of his crowd interactions through the microphone (and that's saying something)