For a little bit of fun..what color spandex ??
In my time, I have worn - black, red, hot pink, flourescent pink (!), purple, electric blue, royal blue, ice blue, gold and finally, white. Have to say, white is a most unforgiving color, and zero fat is an absolute requirement. At the time I was a waif. Phew !! Princess - you MUST tell what colors you had, for you must have looked awesome....
By the way, these were REAL spandex not those naff lycra leggings things, where the crotch always crept down your legs...
For those wishing to make their own spandex jeans..I have a dressmakers length of both black and navy spandex (heavy duty) bought from Boroviks, in London. Any takers ??
OH MY GOD !! Spandex jeans (in various colors) are alive and for sale on e-bay !!!!