Dragonforce Inhuman Rampage Cover

It's different, so that collectors will visibly know they've got whichever version, so that scammers and shady shop owners don't screw you with a simple sticker that says, "RARE IMPORT!" and give it a $30 price. I've paid $40 for a copy of ...And Justice For All from Japan with The Prince as a bonus track. Weeks later, I saw it for $25 at Best Buy. Learned my lesson.

Mind you, this was years ago when Best Buy didn't suck.

Has Best Buy ever not sucked? hmm... getting existential here....
Well, I don't really like many things about Best Buy - but I've found some good stuff there.

Can always find Stratovarius, Symphony X, Ayreon, used to find Avantasia, and some other good bands.

Plus, they had Gamma Ray's Majestic on opening day - and not at a bad price
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
FYE does have a good metal section if you dont mind paying $20 a cd.

Or more, though sometimes they will surprise you with something inexpensive. I do like their listening headphones, which let you sample just about anything in the store without making the store clerks open CDs that the store can't return for credit later.

Blockbuster powerfucked CD retail when they tried to break into the business. That "listen to any CD in the store" policy sounded great on paper, but it made for a lot of unreturnble merch that had to be opened for asswipes who had no intent of purchasing.

Oh yeah, got off on a tangent there :D