Dragonforce - Maximum Overload


Apr 25, 2012
Boston, MA

bogren absolutely crushed it on the mix imo. it is refreshing to hear their music with a new production. songwriting seems better than it has been in a while. have to admit i am actually really enjoying listening to it right now :eek:
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awesome! not many can mix a bigger, yet clear low-end like Bogren. this mix almost has too much low-end for my liking but it's still enjoyable. smooth mix overall. it must be pretty difficult to mix Dragonforce's music.
Bogren is amazing, another great job.

Funny thought i just had - some people are quick to criticize sneap because his mixes "all sound the same" (pfft whatever)....yet to me if anything bogren's stamp on things is much more consistent...why arent these people criticizing jens? just a thought

btw both guys are great
Bogren is amazing, another great job.

Funny thought i just had - some people are quick to criticize sneap because his mixes "all sound the same" (pfft whatever)....yet to me if anything bogren's stamp on things is much more consistent...why arent these people criticizing jens? just a thought

btw both guys are great

They're really interesting comparisons, though. The defining quality of most Sneap mixes to me is that they have a reliable amount of low-end warm that comes from really knowing how much of the low mids to allow in the mix without making it muddy. Bogren is almost the complete opposite, at least in the mixes I know best (Amon Amarth, Opeth)- there's very little of that same range in the mix, at least to my ears.
What defines his mixes to me, is the guitar sounds, less aggressive than usual, and the overall aesthetic. I'm loving this mix so much I might actually listen to Dragonforce for once.
I agree, his guitar sounds are very smooth, cymbals are kinda subdued as well. I still can't really get into Dragonforce but this mix is almost as good as James LaBrie's latest which is still my fav.
Think i took a listen to their first single. Sounded good as usual but i lol'ed at the upspeeded riffs haha. Bogren's guitars and mixes are usually quite scoped around 200-400hz with almost to much sub. Like the first soilwork album he did. Sounds awesome but i do think the latest Labrie album was on the verge of sounding a bit messy, i would have liked some more separation.
Think i took a listen to their first single. Sounded good as usual but i lol'ed at the upspeeded riffs haha. Bogren's guitars and mixes are usually quite scoped around 200-400hz with almost to much sub. Like the first soilwork album he did. Sounds awesome but i do think the latest Labrie album was on the verge of sounding a bit messy, i would have liked some more separation.

Are you talking about The Panic Broadcast?? Because I definitely agree on that one. But The Living Infinite was such a great mix and vibe. I'm loving what he does more and more when it comes to making a mix mesh (you're right, on the verge of messy) but still having such punch and power. It's nuts