DragonForce - Sonic Firestorm


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DragonForce - Sonic Firestorm
Noise - NO3850 - April 19th 2004
By Graham Boyle


Sonic Firestorm is the long awaited 2nd album from London based speedy melodic power metallers DragonForce. The band released one hell of a debut album in, Valley Of the Damned, an album that I have literally played to death, and that in my humble opinions is one of the best power metal albums in the last few years. I remember hearing a playback of the debut album, in guitarist, Herman Li's home studio and being stunned by the sheer quality and sonic fury that jumped out from the speakers and grabbed me by the throat.

Recorded late last in year, under the guidance of producer and Threshold guitarist, Karl Groom, Sonic Firestorm, answers the questions that the debut album left asking. Could DragonForce, once again deliver the goods and match the brilliance of Valley Of the Damned? Minutes into opener, 'My Spirit Will Go On', that question is already being answered. Fast, furious, break neck speed, all wall of guitars, warp speed 9 drums, melodic vocals from ZP Theart and of course a killer melody. The next 2 songs, don't let up on the pace. It's not until, 'Dawn Of the New World', that things slow down to a more gentle speed, with a ballad to match the grace and beauty of, 'Starfire', from the debut album.

If I had to pick a favourite, it would be, 'Above The Winter Moonlight', with it's ultra catchy chorus, and killer middle section that I dare say is slightly progressive. The prog tinged moments are stretched further during the 6 minutes and forty three seconds of, 'Prepare For War'. This is the song that says everything you'll ever want to know about DragonForce. A chorus that will have you singing for days, so fast that you'll have whiplash from headbanging and solo's galore that will have your air guitar skills put to a mighty test.

DragonForce continue the style from their debut; behind the ultra speed, guitar gymnastics, and technical prowess lies an undeniable strength - the songs. This is what stands DragonForce head and shoulders above the majority of their competition. This time they have refined (without repeating) the style of 'Valley Of the Damned', taking it a step further, adding blast beats, more melody and proving that the debut album was no fluke.

I really liked their debut and am really looking forward to this. Sometimes when i work out I play their debut because its so crazy fast and really gets me going .
Sounds interesting. I have heard good things about their debut as well. When is this coming out anyway?

To be honest, i love Dragonforce like squirles love anal sex. Does ANYONE PLEAZE know any band that would have such lazer-beam solos and melodies, and being so long? Meaning i want a GOOD dragonforce copy. Good and long solos, anyone know any that sort of power metal? Or any other metal, if any other type of metal happens to have ultra-blazing solos and an ultra amount of them, making them ultra long and not getting boring. Did i mention Dragonforces solos DO NOT get boring easily?

Please. I will die if i wont get a dragonforce clone.
Well, this band isn't exactly a 'clone' of dragonforce, 'cuz they came out first, but still, they've got one of the fastest guitarists. Stratovarius is their name. Check out some of their songs ('Black Diamond', 'Speed of Light', 'Phoenix', and their instrumental song 'Stratosphere'). Man, anyone know where i can get a sample of Evening Star by Dragonforce? I wanna hear the real song, but dunno where i can get a clip.


FireHouse333 said:
Well, this band isn't exactly a 'clone' of dragonforce, 'cuz they came out first, but still, they've got one of the fastest guitarists. Stratovarius is their name. Check out some of their songs ('Black Diamond', 'Speed of Light', 'Phoenix', and their instrumental song 'Stratosphere'). Man, anyone know where i can get a sample of Evening Star by Dragonforce? I wanna hear the real song, but dunno where i can get a clip.



Hey, this May seemn a little obvious but why dont you either stream it off real, or Media player. otherwise you could go on napster and pay for the download (it used to be free but it got gripped by the evil people at the government or whatever!) other wise just buy the album/single. unless you're saving for something....?

Metalmoshgoth. :headbang:
The vocalist has definately improved over the past few years. He has come a long way since the crummy job he did on revelations. You would think though that at least one of the band members would have told him to drop his pitch an octave so he could handle it. Meh, well anyway. The only other thing I dont like it the drumming with the snare on every second beat. It sounds crap to me. Apart from that I love their music enough to ignore the faults.
I'm not that impressed with Sonic Firestorm. I'm not saying it's a bad album at all, but after hearing Valley of The Damned, I expected a lot more from DragonForce.

Some of the guitar riffs have become lack-luster and mundane. Nothing over the top like in Valley of the Damned. Not one song stood out as an amazing "single". The drums almost sounded like they were a machine then recorded over in studio. It was a good album, but not as good as Valley Of The Damned.

With the powerful songs and talent behind Valley of the Damned I was anticipating a knock-em-dead album. I must say I was disappointed with Sonic Firestorm. Maybe they'll come back strong on their next album. One can only hope.

I give Sonic Firestorm a 6 out of 10.

I loved this album. I thought it was one of the best i've heard in awhile. It combines everything cool from blindguardian and iced earth into one package and added a amphetamine like drumming while still keeping a melodic package. It's so much better than anything i've heard in a long time. So many bands rely on power chords and cookie monster vocalization that it's become cliche and lumped into "metal" genre that they sound like everything else...that or they go the other way and way over the top 80's metal style singing. Kind of like Tim "the ripper" Owens" who in his own right is an amazing singer but just not my cup of tea, as the English say.

The other reason I like that album, is i find it rather uplifting, it doesn't leave you with a feeling of dread and depression. You can't help but feel upbeat after listening to it.
There's my two cents, try not to throw it back at me too hard.
MetalRose said:
I'm not that impressed with Sonic Firestorm. I'm not saying it's a bad album at all, but after hearing Valley of The Damned, I expected a lot more from DragonForce.

Some of the guitar riffs have become lack-luster and mundane. Nothing over the top like in Valley of the Damned. Not one song stood out as an amazing "single". The drums almost sounded like they were a machine then recorded over in studio. It was a good album, but not as good as Valley Of The Damned.

With the powerful songs and talent behind Valley of the Damned I was anticipating a knock-em-dead album. I must say I was disappointed with Sonic Firestorm. Maybe they'll come back strong on their next album. One can only hope.

I give Sonic Firestorm a 6 out of 10.


David Mackintosh IS a drum machine. He plays on a Roland TD20 electronic drumset or something like that. What else can you expect from a speed metal band? POLYRHYTHYMS?! I don't think I could play those that fast (I play the drums by the way) I think Mackintosh does a great job for what he's given. I'd like to see you try and play something extremely creative that fast.
duckyboy34 said:
David Mackintosh IS a drum machine. He plays on a Roland TD20 electronic drumset or something like that. What else can you expect from a speed metal band? POLYRHYTHYMS?! I don't think I could play those that fast (I play the drums by the way) I think Mackintosh does a great job for what he's given. I'd like to see you try and play something extremely creative that fast.

but how does he play live? i've seen videos and he isnt using electric drums... does he use triggers?
EternalEnemy said:
To be honest, i love Dragonforce like squirles love anal sex. Does ANYONE PLEAZE know any band that would have such lazer-beam solos and melodies, and being so long? Meaning i want a GOOD dragonforce copy. Good and long solos, anyone know any that sort of power metal? Or any other metal, if any other type of metal happens to have ultra-blazing solos and an ultra amount of them, making them ultra long and not getting boring. Did i mention Dragonforces solos DO NOT get boring easily?

Please. I will die if i wont get a dragonforce clone.

not to label them a "dragonforce clone", but have you heard dragonland? they sound like your type of stuff... fast solos, same drum style... similar vocals... lyrics about dragons and stuff... and yeah like that one guy said - stratovarius
i think that this latest album is well worth the money, it still stands out well above the rest of the genre (well, mostly)
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