Dragonforce, the new Helloween????


Oct 30, 2002
orlando, FL
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I've Just bought the recently released second album of band that has put themselves in the middle of the best of speed/power metal genre!!! I am very peculiar with new bands that rhyme in the lines of Helloween, Angra, Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray and etc.. After being kicked really hard by Edguy's Hellfire Club. I thought that I could stand up without any harm thru the rest of the year..But Dragonforce did not allow me to rest...It has gotten really paranoia to sleep with the double bass of the drums in your head.. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS TO THE OLD AND THE NEW LISTENERS OF SPEED AND POWER METAL!!!!!
I also have to admit that I have listened to such great duo guitar work in a long ass time..........Unfornately I won't be attending this year Fest..I still feel that this one is not as promising as the third edition....:hotjump: Anyways,,,Hopefully Edguy will come to Florida!! And next year maybe Rhapsody, Stratovarius and Dragonforce will make me fly to Atlanta,,See you maniacs...

Caros amigos essa banda solta um porrada que ti deixa de ouvidos doloridos por dias!!!! valeuuu
I can guarantee you that Stratovarius won't be in ProgPower next year. As a matter of fact, there will be no more Stratovarius. But Dragonforce really kicks ass!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah I have two discs by Dragonforce!! The new one "Sonic Firestorm" is amazing!! The drummer is like the energizer bunny!!!! I think someone posted something somewhere that they would be great live BUT could they reproduce the disc live? If so, Dragonforce will be UNBELIEVABLE!
I know that, Nightmare1z, but let's get real now...Do you think Kotipelto would really want to go back to Stratovarius? In recent interviews he's quite clear that he had enough headaches with that band in the past year. I would love to see Stratovarius back to his golden days, but I personally don't believe that's a concrete possibility. Though again, I repeat, I would love to see that happening.

In the meantime... Everyone should listen to some Dragonforce like legalman20 said!!!!! They're cheesy, but unbelievably impressive!
Stratovarius will hopefully get it together, they are too talented of a band not to, on top of that they have never toured the states. Plus, if it was not for them there would be no Dragonforce who are just average and I find nothing special about.
I have not heard Dragonforce yet but have heard nothing but good things about them and I do plan on checking out their first two albums.

As far as Stratovarius goes I feel they will stick together. Tolkki seems to be coming to his senses, the band seems to be getting along fine and the fact that they have been announced as a replacement for Running Wild on a major overseas festival last week is a good sign that they would set up another show that wasnt previously scheduled.

Stratovarius, Sonata Arctica, and Thunderstone for PP6. Finland's triple threat.
Angra - my post was to only counter your "As a matter of fact, there will be no more Stratovarius".

No one knows what will happen besides those in the band. I've heard so many conflicting reports on the situation now (Like things are looking good for it - they haven't talked about it yet - etc).

The only ones who know are them. My personal thoughts are if Kotipelto is smart he would continue in Stratovarius.

His solo album career is nothing short of mediocre. His first album was good, but his second left a lot to be desired. The songs just felt 'incomplete' as there was nothing special about them.

I'd say there's a 50-50 chance right now. As the person above said, Strato has been confirmed to replace a band at a festival - which seems very odd considering Kotipelto has said that he wouldn't mind if he never played a Strato show again. So who knows how things are going...

But back on topic: Dargonforce is alright in my book. They're impressive at what they do, but I can't listen to their first album all the way through without getting bored with it.

Been meaning to check the 2nd album though.
Nightmare1z ... I didnt know about the confirmation as a replacement for Running Wild on the festival. That is good news for me too, I really hope they get back together, though I repeat, what I said was just something that I read on an interview with Kotipelto. And you are correct about his solo career, it's not on Stratovarius level. I guess I'm gonna stick with you guys and just pray for them to reunite!
wayland smithers said:
Stratovarius will hopefully get it together, they are too talented of a band not to, on top of that they have never toured the states. Plus, if it was not for them there would be no Dragonforce who are just average and I find nothing special about.
I gotta agree with ya on this one... Dragonforce is nothing more than Average (is there anything worse than being an average Power Metal band?) :yuk:
I liked the new Dragonforce, but for some reason I really like the new Nocturnal Rites disc even more.......
The_Q said:
Yeah I have two discs by Dragonforce!! The new one "Sonic Firestorm" is amazing!! The drummer is like the energizer bunny!!!! I think someone posted something somewhere that they would be great live BUT could they reproduce the disc live? If so, Dragonforce will be UNBELIEVABLE!
I saw Dragonforce Live as well as Power Quest and I can assure you both kicked some major ass on the stage.

Thier guitarist is phenomenal live
Angrafan said:
I gotta agree with ya on this one... Dragonforce is nothing more than Average (is there anything worse than being an average Power Metal band?) :yuk:

What is the big hype about this band? I heard 3 full songs off of their website and I am sorry, but personally they were a bit annoying to my ears...I did not hear anything "unique" and well the vocals were not so great either...as to the way they play their instruments...granted they do know what they are doing...but is it just me or does it sound like it's a race to see who can play their instruments FASTER??

No offence to any of their fans, just my personal thoughts on this band...out of a scale of 5 I'd give them 2/5.
It's personal preference. Dragonforce's style of power metal is warp speed hyperfast, but that's what I love. They indeed sound very good at what they do, and if you like the style you'll most likely eat it up. My criticism is the vocals are nice and high but they don't have much strength behind them.

Stratovarius is great, but I'm not holding my breath for a complete reunion. Much less a US appearance.
dragonforce is good, i haven't heard the newest album...but i enjoyed valley of the damned.

on a side note, if rhapsody would be on the line-up for next years progpower, there is no words to express how fucking awesome that would be.
Jean-Pierre said:
Dragonforce? Eh, I've heard better. They sound exactly like Children of Bodom except with clean vocals.

You think so? I personally like Children of Bodom...they have fast riffs but you can actually (at least IMO) enjoy the melodies...with Dragonforce they go so fast it's hard to keep up w/the melodies because they change too fast. Granted we all have our diff taste,what others might like others might not...and vice versa ;)

For those who like ULTRA fast playing instruments o_O I guess enjoy