Dragonland: Good googly moogly!


Feb 8, 2009
Okay, so I am such an incredible idiot. Apparently in one of my mad Power Metal binges, I downloaded so many CD's that I didn't have a chance to listen to them all. I downloaded several Dragonland CDs, and mannnn, what a silly name for a band. Makes me think of Dragon Tales that kids' cartoon. But anyway, I just listened to a bunch of Dragonland stuff, and WHOA! :OMG:

They are SMOKIN!! Ridiculous riffs, soaring vocals, awesomely positive melodies, and leads that make me want to break my own guitar over my knee in futility.

Just a headsup for the good of the order, just in case you need a quick Power Metal fix while waiting for Theocracy's As the World Bleeds to arrive!

How can 3 days seem so lonnnnnnnng????
Hmmmm...I haven't heard anything explicit yet. That doesn't mean it's not there. But so far, most of the lyrics are kind of medieval battle, lore, dragons, fantasy stuff. Hmmm...
I ran into them a year ago. They have ZERO explicit content, for the record. I have every album, and a new one just came out a couple days ago.
leads that make me want to break my own guitar over my knee

Wait....you play guitar too!!! We are so alike it's creepy!

(I also love writing!)

I will have to look up Dragonland. Oh, and have you guys heard the band 'Audiovision'??? THEY.ARE.DABOMB!:headbang: (After THeocracy, of course!)
I've loved these guys, been listening to them since the first album in 2001 in which i just loved stuff like "ride for Glory" etc. Good find. :)
"Dragonland" sounded cheesy to me as well, but I was blown away, Cassiopeia is one of the greatest songs I've ever heard.
Hey Batguy, did you get their NEW album, Under the Grey Banner? It's out now! Just released on Friday (and I am listening to it - what a coincidence). By the way, they have no explicit stuff, I have all of their music. (They only mention one, uhm... "questionable" word in one song on Holy War I think).

PS. I made a review over on Heavy Metal Haven. You can check it out by clicking this link - though any comments will need to be approved by the admins.

Here is one song from the new album. It's called "Shadow of the Mithril Mountains". The song in the beginning is an instrumental called "Ilmarion". Beware the sudden volume burst as the second song begins.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbknfygp2sg]Dragonland - Ilmarion / Shadow of the Mithril Mountains[/ame]
... Nah. It's not that word. I think they mention "whore" once. (Or is it a mispronounciation of "war"? I hope so)

I think it is used to contribute to the mood that they are trying to create on that song. But other than that, I can't see them using any explicit words. Even in their most lyrically intense songs, like some of the ones below.

"Gaze high, and see why
You will know
In every vision, there's a truth that hides..."
-- from Direction: Perfection

"See the fire in the cloudless night
Bright reflections of light in my eyes
Now, we will see, will our Contact be
Salvation from afar? A guiding star?"
-- from Contact

"See my hands constructing a nightmare
The symphony of a Universe
So vast, it devours me
These nights are just fantasy
Celestial beam, help me to see
I struggle to live without the notion of a sound
That could open my mind..."
-- from Beethoven's Nightmare

etc, etc.

Edit: On a side note, their music is awesome. Especially the latest two albums. It seems that I will never get sick of Under the Grey Banner.
Let me guess, the questionable word is "holy?"
Man, if its religious its explicit nowadays.

Nah there's nothing questionable in the song at all, as far as a single word. Now concepts I can't say because we all find different things to be "too much".

"And I shall rid this world
of Gods to rule our lives
So now the end is here I know it" - A Thousand Points of Light
Yes they are a great Band!!! I get them for the cover they did for "Never Ending Story" from Jamal (on the Holly War album, This movie is one of my favorites movies of all times, yes is for kid and I don´t mind!!!! also the Book Is Excelent!!! ), also I love the bonus for the japan Starfall with: Rusty Nail (X-Japan cover) and Sole Survivor (Helloween cover) Love their sound!!!! also they love The Never Ending Story book by Michael Ende, the album "The Battle of the Ivory Plains" take place on the second part of the book!
Haha its a mispronunciation of war :rofl:
But for example, in a store near me (FYE) Righteous B, a christian rapper, has a "Parental Advisory" sticker. Because its religious music. Then, Lil Wayne, whom you all probably know, has an extremely explicit album, and theres no sticker on that. Prejudice anyone?