Dream band...

mick thompson sucks. hard.

vocals/harsh-Charles "Evil Chuck" Schuldiner (ex-death, RIP)
vocals/clean-bruce dickonson (iron maiden)
lead guitar-dimebag darrell (ex-pantera, RIP)
bass-steve harris (iron maiden)
drums-Zbigniew Robert "Inferno" Prominski (behemoth)
Considering what you posted as your dream band, you don't exactly have any room to talk about what "sucks ass". And don't play the opinion card either, your list completely nullifies any importance yours might have.
Travisty said:
I'm dead serious immortal sucks ass, most black metal does

immortal is amazing, and i do love black metal, but there is more generic shitty BM out there than there is metalcore.
the thing is most of the stuff i've heard from immortal just sounds so repetative, but then again thats what i used to think about cannibl corpse, but listening to heavier and heavier metal is how i got to love canibal corpse. i geuss i just surpassed black metal, so don't be surprised if 3 months from now i post saying immortal rules ass.
yeah, same with me. back when i used to listen to crap, i would go on a band like, say behemoths page and hear some songs, and be like wow this sucks. now, behemoth is in my top 5 favorite bands. as you progress, you see things differently. it took me a while to adapt to black metal.
Travisty said:
I'm dead serious immortal sucks ass, most black metal does

If Immortal sucks, Cannibal Corpse should cease to exist. as well as any other band you happen to like.
Vocal/Rhtym Guitar:Nergal (Behemoth)
Lead Guitar: Chuck Schuldiner R.I.P (Death... this is my GOD)
Drums:Inferno (Behemoth)
Bass:Rex (Pantera)
Keyboards:Janne Warmen (Children of Bodom)

This is would be an awesome band.
Vocals: Layne Staley-1993(Alice in Chains)
Guitar: Jesper Stromblad(In Flames)
Guitar: Henri Sattler(God Dethroned)
Bass: Les Claypool(Primus)
Drums: Hasse Nilsson(Dimension Zero)
keys: Janne Wirman(Children of Bodom)
Boru said:
No one else think my band would be awesome:rock: :kickass: :rock: :kickass:

I actually did hear that Jerry Cantrell and Glenn Danzig were thinking about doing some kind of dark blues collaboration.

That would be awesome. I do think your band is awesome,Burton and Cantrell alone would be great