Dream Evil news (at last!)


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
News.... 2006-06-28 Finally, the silence is broken. You probably have a lot of questions why it appeared as
Dream Evil just died in February this year.
In this notice we will try to explain what have happened and why we have been silent.

You might have heard it elsewhere, and it's true, Snowy Shaw left the band in February and the
reason for him leaving the band is that he wanted to do his own thing.
We're still very good friends and we wish Snowy the best in the future.
(For more info about Snowy Shaw, visit his own site www.snowyshaw.com)

We didn't have to search for a long time or distance to find a new drummer, Fredrik's co-worker
at Studio Fredman and our good friend Pat Power a.k.a. Patrik Jerksten was asked to join the
band and he have filled Snowy's shoes over expectations.

The new lineup for Dream Evil is:
Niklas Isfeldt - Vocals
Fredrik Nordström - Guitar
Peter Stålfors - Bass
Mark Black - Guitar
Pat Power - Drums

So why didn't we announce this on the website in February when this still was news?
There are a couple of reasons for that..
- First reason, our webmaster quit about the same time as Snowy left the band, so we had no
one who could update the current site with news.
- Second reason, at this time we were really busy composing new songs for the coming album so
we didn't focus on the website at all.
- Third reason, between April 18th and May 31st we've been recording 18 new killer songs which
will appear on our coming album this autumn.

Currently we're talking to a couple of different interesting webmasters to bring life to our site
once more, so be patient, soon a new cool site will be available.

Stay very Evil in the night !!!
Peter, Niklas, Fredrik, Mark and Pat

I'm kind of curious since Snowy was a major composing force in the band, but I have high hopes in another killer metal labum from them.

NP: Freedom Call - 'Carry On'