Dream Evil?

Heavenly Call

Jul 30, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Does anyone think there is a chance in hell of Dream Evil being at ProgPower IV??? Glen....are you listening?? I looooove that band! What do people think about the new album...it's on it's way, but I haven't heard it yet.
I loved the song Chasing the Dragons but the rest of the disc wasn't up to those standards. If you like Dragonslayer you'll like Evilized. If you didn't like Dragonslayer, then I don't think there's any new material on Evilized that's going to convert you.

Children of the Night and Evilized were about the best 2 songs.
I happen to be a big Dream Evil fan, and Gus G (The guitarist) in general.

Dragonslayer was a little too over the top as a full CD for me in regards to dragon lyrics, and generic power metal, but had some great tunes IMO.

Evilized Ive had for a month now, and I LOVE this disc. Gone are the uptempo generic power metal / dragon lyric tunes, and in its place great melodic hard rockin metal!

If you like Gus G's playing I highly recommend you check out his other 2 bands FIREWIND, and MYSTIC PROPHECY.
I think they are absolutely terrible. Unoriginal, uneventful, boring, repetitive, etc... Too much great stuff out there to bother with certain bands. The standard has been lifted with bands like Kamelot, Superior, Angra, Gamma Ray, Edguy, etc...
Originally posted by nightwish58
I think they are absolutely terrible. Unoriginal, uneventful, boring, repetitive, etc... Too much great stuff out there to bother with certain bands. The standard has been lifted with bands like Kamelot, Superior, Angra, Gamma Ray, Edguy, etc...

Dream Evil is unoriginal and uninspiring, and Gamma Ray isnt? Interesting.
Dream Evil is unoriginal and uninspiring, and Gamma Ray isnt? Interesting.

Yeah, that doesn't even make sense. Superior has lifted the standard? A band who released their last studio album the same year Dream Evil released their first lifted the standard? Edguy is garbage now. Kamelot hasn't been good since The Black Halo. The latest Angra is boring.

Dream Evil continues to crush all in their way.

edit: wow, didn't realize the date of this thread
Great thread :)

I was a sophomore in college when Evilized came out, and I heard it before I heard Dragonslayer. Because Evilized is heavier, more "serious" (to a point, of course), and has less overly fantasy-esque lyrics, it did stick out from the Blind Guardians, Nightwishes, and Rhapsodies that I was listening to a lot of at the time. Dragonslayer did strike me as very generic - fun, but still generic - when I did hear it. But I have remained pretty fond of Evilized as the band's most serious musical statment. I got Book of Heavy metal right when it came out and all bets were off then! haha. The closing track on Evilized is really uplifting. It's the kind of song to keep your head up in a hard time.
I don't get why people get on Gus's nuts. Dream Evil is Fredrik Nordstrom's band!

Anyways, I love this band with every fiber of my being, but really Evilized a serious record? Yeah right. There's nothing about that band that is serious.
Sorry if the thread age threw people. Instead of starting a new thread, on a band that's been discussed a 1,000 times, I just decided to bump the oldest thread on the band I could find.

As for some of the older comments, and to AS' point, bands like Dream Evil aren't meant to be scrutinized under the same critical lens as bands like Agalloch, Primordial and Negura Bunget. Just turn off your brain and turn up the volume.
"The Book of Heavy Metal" album is the prime example of the "turn off your brain and turn up the volume" mantra. The lyrics are hilariously over-the-top, yet the music has just enough of that cock-rock vibe and just enough balls-out metal to get me head-banging every time. Looking forward to these dudes.
I don't have the booklets on hand, but I remember on the Book bonus DVD some depictions of Snowy Shaw writing riffs for the band. As mentioned above, DE is Fredrik's band; Gus was just in it. I don't know if he wrote for them.
I don't get why people get on Gus's nuts. Dream Evil is Fredrik Nordstrom's band!

Anyways, I love this band with every fiber of my being, but really Evilized a serious record? Yeah right. There's nothing about that band that is serious.

AS and I like the same thing??? ZOMG! MY HEAD ASPLODE! *flail*

Are you coming to ProgPower to see them?