Dream Theater "Images & Words" 2007 Remix

i am not a fan who wants the same album over and over. for me it isn't about heavy or not heavy. i mean truth be told awake is a HEAVY fucking album. so for me i'm not a person that likes to say let them keep making something they did 15 years ago. my point is that they are a progressive band. i got no problems with them progressing musically but they always had this creative signature. and to me with a couple songs on 8VM and nearly all of SC they lost that. it seems forced and fake. i'm sorry but, even a "grand epic" like in the presence of enemies seems so stupid. all of the lead lines and melodies are cliche. it is a psuedo-epic type song. the lyrics are cheesy as all hell, the vocals are so dumb, the songwriting structure is very ABAACBA and it is very cut and paste. there is no organic flow at any point in the album less a few instances namely in repentance (which is a great song) and some parts of ministry of lost souls.

listen to a song like innocence faded, there is not one forced part in that song. the whole thing sounds like it was written by a human being and flows. THAT is my point. not about heavy or not.
That's exactly my feeling about DT, couldn't have wrote it better… Hell, I admit I downloaded SC before ordering the album, and since getting it, I listened to the proper CD only once, and I seriously doubt it will leave its case again. The first couples of minutes of the first song summarize it for me, cliché melody after cliché melody, I can't stand that anymore :( I didn't listen to the 5:1 version up to the last song either, only the documentary had its moments for me…
That's exactly my feeling about DT, couldn't have wrote it better… Hell, I admit I downloaded SC before ordering the album, and since getting it, I listened to the proper CD only once, and I seriously doubt it will leave its case again. The first couples of minutes of the first song summarize it for me, cliché melody after cliché melody, I can't stand that anymore :( I didn't listen to the 5:1 version up to the last song either, only the documentary had its moments for me…

I agree 100% with both of you guys. For me, Dream Theater ended after Metropolis 2. That was their last great album, it was amazing. Immediately after that they've put out a string of incredibly boring albums with horrible writing. What the fuck happened to them? They were once the best band in the world. I would love to hear them put out something with songs that matched the genius of "Under a Glass Moon," "Fatal Tragedy," "Voices," etc...

As time has gone on, the albums that have worked their way to the top of my iTunes spins are Images and Words and Awake, the albums that got me into Dream Theater in the first place back in the early 90s when they were new.
One of the things people dont realize(when saying they loved a bands 1st album but dont like their newer stuff--in this case decades older) is that not only has the band changed--but YOU have changed

You liked so and so album at a specific point in your life. It did something to you and most likely that cannot be undone by any change in you now. However--you will Not respond the same to later releases--some may hit you well and other may not. If dont see that it has as much to do with you than the band--then you dont know a lot about human nature--and thus yourself

Im getting a little sick and tired of people always blaming the band because THEY dont like them anymore. Can the band blame You?

Look, the point is....many people dont have a clue that their favorite albums are their favorites because they heard them at specific point in their lives in which they were primed, ready, and willing to love it. Its the only thing that explains why some dip head loves the Rolling stones or Bob Dylan--which is utter crap to me. It touched their soul at a specific time in their lives --if different events happened their favorite albums would be very different

So--dont blame the band because it much more complicated than saying the band isnt good anymore--because some of the new DT are the "favorite " albums of many new listeners.
Can the band blame You?

Obviously they can...

Flo Mounier/Cryptopsy said:
[I'm] very disappointed to see how closed-minded some of our fans are. We started extreme metal and now we are doing it even more then before, extreme dynamically. When you listen to the full album, you will understand or not. Never has CRYPTOPSY been soo fast and agressive and at the same time generated feel in metal songs, wow. Not an achievement to you, it seems, but something extremely hard to do. If you get it or not, that's up to you, but people judge fast and I can guarantee that if you open your mind a little, you'll understand and be in awe. No change, then just vote for Bush again while you're at it. You know, [I'm] not an angry person by nature, but god, open your ears.

One of the things people dont realize(when saying they loved a bands 1st album but dont like their newer stuff--in this case decades older) is that not only has the band changed--but YOU have changed

So true.

I really liked 6 degrees. Its the album that got me into them. I got all the early records after then. and I loved them.

but before that I had 3 times metropolis in my hands, but was not able to really appreciate until 6 degrees got me into DT.
its also weird how they dress like they hang out in the lower east side all day and night.

* only people who are from NYC will get this joke.

but i mean they dress all like trying to be cool with the designer jeans and JR JP and JLB wear like the trendy $200 weird writing and ambient art designer t shirts. maybe john petrucci should go back to wearing reebok pumps and get off the juice. i think HGH is getting to his brain and in turn his songwriting abilities. they are trying to have this image to like attract metalheads or something i don't know. it's very strange. the whole thing seems forced.
just listened to the remix of pull me under and i have to say i was expecting it to sound amazing, but i prefer the original, the remix really lacks. hmm that really wasnt what i expected!!

ill deffo be getting the cd though, mainly for the radio edits of a few songs
but i mean they dress all like trying to be cool with the designer jeans and JR JP and JLB wear like the trendy $200 weird writing and ambient art designer t shirts. maybe john petrucci should go back to wearing reebok pumps and get off the juice. i think HGH is getting to his brain and in turn his songwriting abilities. they are trying to have this image to like attract metalheads or something i don't know. it's very strange. the whole thing seems forced.

Forced is the word Holmes, they're like a bunch of insecure immature high-schoolers who change they're styles weekly to look "cool." And that goes for both their clothing and music. :)
PMU-remix was bad, the original is much better (the biggest problem for fans seemed to be the snare, but now it sounds like they replaced the 80' sample with a very dry sample and it's much worser than the original).

Personally I think they've gone downhill since K.Moore left the band (sound and musicwise). I often use Awake as a reference CD when testing testing gear, that album sounds awesome.
and get off the juice. i think HGH is getting to his brain and in turn his songwriting abilities.

I find it kinda strange that as soon as a musician becomes a bit more buff (Dr. Dre, Petrucci, etc.) people come with these hideous steroid rumors. I mean, please. Petrucci looks "athletic", nothing more, nothing less. Maybe compared to the average slouchy/fat/skinny metalhead he looks "buff", but steroids??!? In his case, I'd even guess that he could look bigger just by losing 5-10kg of fat.

Nothing a year in the gym can't do (and clever shirt selection) ...
Dang, this is one interesting thread to read!

Here's one for you....

Dream Theater are my favourite band evarrrr.....

and I *HATE* awake (6 o clock, the mirror and lie excluded)


I love systematic chaos! It's the first "heavy" one that's done anything for me.

aCoS>SDoiT>SfaM/SC>I&W>FiI>Octa>ToT>Awake are probably how i'd rate em.

Vive le difference!

Must admit i wasn't keen on what shirley did on ToT, though I wasn't keen on what the band did on ToT ;)

Speaking of shoddy Kevin Shirley stuff........ Dance of Death anyone? By golly that's a messy sounding album.
Needs moar bitching on internet forums by people who have a sperm's chance in space of even touching their worst offering and who should find more productive ways of using their time!
