Dream theater plagiarizing a Christian band?

I don't hear many similarities between them to be honest. Let's face it, there are only so many notes and progressions you are bound to have bands coming up with similar progressions.
Yeaah, well...*remains uninpressed*

I got more frustrated about Petrucci's reaction and those troll comments on UG than the plagiarizing itself. I must admit the riffs sound more or less the same, partly because the distortion sounds similar too, but that's basically it. These things happen way more often but remain untouched by angry fans, and used to happen in classical music all the time anyway.

Besides, isn't making all those electronic remixes that spoils people's musical taste these days basically the same? As far as I know there's never a lot of fuss about that...;)

On a different but related topic, don't the opening riff of 'Laying The Demon To Rest' and Disciple's 'Someone' sound remarkably similar? I've always wondered whether this is just coincidence or basically inspiration.
On a different but related topic, don't the opening riff of 'Laying The Demon To Rest' and Disciple's 'Someone' sound remarkably similar? I've always wondered whether this is just coincidence or basically inspiration.

YES. I was listening to music on shuffle one day, and Someone came on, and I thought "hmm...Laying the Demon to Rest doesn't sround right"
YES. I was listening to music on shuffle one day, and Someone came on, and I thought "hmm...Laying the Demon to Rest doesn't sround right"

YES! I HATE it when stuff doesn't sround right! ;)

Yeah, I saw that article on UG, and thought that was strange. And I HATED all the people ripping on RED for being Christian in the comments.....
I can hear the similarities, but it's so distant it's pointless to consider. I love Red BTW so that ain't favoritism. :)

EDIT: Oh and I hate UG comments. I want to rage everytime. It's not healthly to read UG comments.
The sound is definitely similar, but I think everyone's taking it too far.
Saw this a while back. It is very similar. Whether it's a copy or not, who knows. Dream Theater has done this before though.
Skip to the 3 minutes mark. It's Dream Theater "ripping off" of Muse.
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In all honesty though, I haven't even had time to digest the new Dream Theater album yet....it's about as technical as "...Bleeds" but much less melodic, so it takes longer for me to warm up to it. I like it, but I don't know where I'd put it in terms of Album of the Year. Theocracy has #1 locked up pretty tight, and I think Iced Earth is #2.
To quote my just-posted Facebook status:

People are accusing Dream Theater of plagiarizing RED. Are you KIDDING me? Apparently "Build Me Up, Break Me Down" and "Feed the Machine" sound extremely similar.

1. They don't.
2. They're both awesome songs by awesome bands, so people should just shut up and enjoy them!