Dream Theater - ToT...thoughts?


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
Oh yes... I finally bought it, after waiting for that ever amazing hype wagon so slow down.

It seems to be a 50-50 split weather DT fans hate it or love it....

I am loving it!!! So far "Honor Thy Father" is kicking me in the nuts.... and "Stream of Consiousness" sounds like classic DT to me... excellnt stuff.

My only beef: James doing his little "rapping" on Honor Thy Father. Not only is he Canadian... but it doesn't come naturally at all for him OR for Dream Theater. :D

My advice to DT: Keep it heavy guys... but don't go overboard on keeping up with the times, okay? :loco:

I have to agree with the comment about DT being too concerned with competing against/borrowing too heavily from their current favorites...that thinking leads to most of the album's misfires. But there are some great songs on it, particularly Endless Sacrifice (aside from the obnoxious hook in the chorus) and In The Name Of God.