Dreaming Neon Autumn


Chemical Pariah
Aug 30, 2001
Uppsala, Sweden
Aaah. I just realised I HAVE to get a cd-freestyle.. Autumn is coming and that means rain and leafs and darker days. I just love walking around in the rain around 20.00 and listen to music. I haven't done that with DNB yet.. But my guess it'll be great. Esp. in the forest near a river. *drowls* I used to listen to October Rust, still works.

Music will be flowing from me. *lol*
Guess our debut will be killer ;P
Dracwell, I like Autumn and I too am reminded of TYPE O NEGATIVE, especially October Rust. I've listened to TYPE O, NEVERMORE, RUSH, VOIVOD, ETC... late at night in Autumn when the leaves have fallen and the night air is cool. I live in the country and sometimes I'll build a fire, drink beer, and pull my car around in the back yard or "small field" and set and enjoy the outdoors.
I love autum...winter is nice as well...all of the bleakness and death...does wonders for the imagination...I've done some of my best writing in the colder,more meloncholy settings...Type O Negative is one of the best bands to listen to in these times.This Halloween,I think I'm going to take my stereo up to the living room window and blare my TON cds at the trick-or-treaters when they walk up to the house...
after this summer's blazing heat I'm ready for some beautiful fall and dark gloomy winter. none of that seasonal attitude disfunction syndrome or whatever its called for me! I want blizzards, ice storms, tree limbs scratching ominously against the roof...I want it fucking all, aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrggghhhhhhhhhh!
i think we will get original this year, not just the same old tricks... i'll have to put my thinkin' cap on and come up with some fun stuff to piss people off and laugh at... hmm, maybe i can start a thread to help get ideas... nothing too harmful, of course, but something that will get laughs...

hey, aren't you supposed to be in school, darkspot??? i'm supposed to be studying AP Biology here in the library, hahaha
No,I'm not supposed to be in school now...we have off today because of the primary elections or something like that...just as long as I'm not in school,it's all good,though.Tomorrow it's back to math,flower design(lamest class ever...we are making bows),art thru the ages and chemistry.