One Inch Man said:You and your damn mystery posts.
In truth, I should pay Erik some royalites.
One Inch Man said:You and your damn mystery posts.
JayKeeley said:I'm afraid these are the casualties of war (which is why I'm against war in the first place). When Germany carpet bombed London, they were hitting residential areas, not any significant military operations.
JayKeeley said:Let's take out all the grey areas here. Simply put: we were at war with Germany. Dresden is in Germany. As far as I can see, Germany are lucky that we didn't drop atom bombs in every major German city. Think of all the allied troops that could have lived had the A-bombs gone to work on their behalf.
JayKeely said:After all, if Hitler had the A-bomb, he would have used it.
spaffe said:I understand what you are saying but I fail to see the logic behind such actions. Innocent people were killed in London, but how does that make it OK to kill innocent people in Germany? By doing that one's not punishing the guys responible (which could perhaps justify it) but rather killing more civilans.
JayKeeley said:Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's ok. If anything, I'm saying I'm against war as a whole. What I'm questioning is whether Germany (yes, Germany "east west, north and south") has a right to complain about anything. Japan? yes, maybe. Germany? It's a bit of a stretch.
JayKeely said:Again, all I'm saying is that Germany got off easy by comparison. Geography probably helped that. Japan is quite isolated and so nuclear fallout might kill a few thousand fish in the ocean at most. Also, they're Japs - a completely different history and culture to the USA. Drop a few A-bombs in Germany however, and all neighboring countries are fucked. That would have done America no good in eventually assimilating Europe in as its bitch.
a lot of japanese military commanders were eagerly awaiting an allied invasion of the home islands so they would have a chance to end the war on more favorable terms. they had this idea of "gyokusai" ("shattered jewels"), that every japanese citizen would fight to the death against the US. even at that point, where the situation was so desperate, they decided to surrender not because of the suffering of the japanese people (bombings, sickness, food shortages) but because they wanted to insure the continuation of the imperial system. believe it or not, many military higher-ups saw the atomic bombs as a "gift from the gods", because it gave them a reason to end the war without "dishonor".lizard said:in terms of the fear of the Japanese defense of their homeland, there is a really interesting book called "The Last Mission" which is about the last air attack on Tokyo...the Japanese actually had a plan to arm all citizens with bamboo spears if necessary, and fight to the death. This was essentially stopped when the Emperor read his declaration to stop fighting. What is less known, and the book brings out, is that the hardcore army and navy leaders actually tried to stop the Emperors broadcast but their plan was foiled when some bombs hit part of the royal compound (although the Americans were supposed to avoid hitting it).
The resultant power failure kept what was basically a coup attempt from succeeding, and when the Emperor issued his decree, the military followed his divine instructions and laid down their arms.
spaffe said:I think you're missing (or avoiding) my point. What takes away the german civilian's right to complain? I assume you're refering to some guilt of some kind, but what?
thx man you clarified my muddled post.cthulufhtagn said:a lot of japanese military commanders were eagerly awaiting an allied invasion of the home islands so they would have a chance to end the war on more favorable terms. they had this idea of "gyokusai" ("shattered jewels"), that every japanese citizen would fight to the death against the US. even at that point, where the situation was so desperate, they decided to surrender not because of the suffering of the japanese people (bombings, sickness, food shortages) but because they wanted to insure the continuation of the imperial system. believe it or not, many military higher-ups saw the atomic bombs as a "gift from the gods", because it gave them a reason to end the war without "dishonor".
ironically, in july of 1945 when the potsdam declaration was being drafted, the US refused to include a provision insuring the emperor would remain in place, thus guaranteeing japan would refuse it. but in the end, the emperor was left in place anyway. oops, guess those atomic bombs weren't necessary after all. not to force japan to concede defeat, at any rate--they were first and foremost a show of force to the soviets. politics always takes precedence over human rights.
unless, of course, he's a career professional soldier.JayKeeley said:Soldier = Civillian in a uniform
yeah that was pretty good...and his other SAS book where he was talking about doing HALO (high altitude low opening) jumps, and describing how if you have microscopic air bubbles in a tooth filling, the tooth will that gave me the heebie jeebies! His novels are kinda entertaining, his character is a badass, but he's a badass who's got problemsJayKeeley said:Bravo Two Zero >>>> any other non-fiction war novel ever!!