Still going strong assholes.
Friday - Substance Abuse Record:
1 bottle of Jack Daniels (5th)
1 bottle of UV Vodka (5th)
7 bottles of Guiness (Pint)
3 Shots Chivas Regal Scotch (Shot)
5 Snootfulls of Apple Pucker (Some chick gave it to me)
Other Stuff
Excessive and violent throwing up followed. Black out the rest of the night (Apparantly I was quite the cassanova). Substance list verified by bottle count and empty sack.
I vaguely remember a hot girl with huge titties pissing in the sink while I was puking my guts out.
Saturday - Substance Abuse Record:
0 Alchohol
Other Stuff
Woke up Saturday morning at a different house. Spent most of the day hunting herb. Made stops to used CD store, head shop, and grocery store. Steaks were grilled. Herb connection found.
Sunday - Substance Abuse Record
Lots of Beer (Pitcher)
Other stuff
What can I say, it was Sunday morning. The day is pretty vague. Saw Behmoth at 8 in the evening at a local venue. Got a cool hat.
Typical weekend. Good time though. Oh hey, I have today off as well