Driving Schools in Greece simply SUCK !!!


To Bored To Live
Jul 11, 2006
First of all to get the driving license here you must go like this

Very simple ... you must wait for a month so the "ones" from the driving school make the paper work and you wait for their call ... after one month they call you and tell you that in one week its the first exam with the signs (only that they don't give you the book to read them) after you get it , you have less than a week to learn 900 questions , after that you go take the exam , you make 2 mistakes and you fail , then you must wait again for who knows how much for them to call you again and go fail again :) pretty simple isn't it ?

In my drivers ed all we really did was watch gory documentaries. And then my license test consisted of driving around the block and then backing up.The whole thing lasted for literally no more than 3 minutes. No wonder RI got ranked the state with the worst drivers in the country.
Those gory documentaries were awesome. There was some little boyish looking girl who had a panic attack watching it and she was breathing really heavy and fell to the floor. I thought she was laughing at first then the teacher goes ZOMG CALL 911'S! Then all the rich preppy kids "I took it at a Jew Center" bust out their cell phones and start dialing. Me and the my pals were just cracking up.
First of all to get the driving license here you must go like this

Very simple ... you must wait for a month so the "ones" from the driving school make the paper work and you wait for their call ... after one month they call you and tell you that in one week its the first exam with the signs (only that they don't give you the book to read them) after you get it , you have less than a week to learn 900 questions , after that you go take the exam , you make 2 mistakes and you fail , then you must wait again for who knows how much for them to call you again and go fail again :) pretty simple isn't it ?


so go write a powm about it, greek boi.

yeah, it sucks everywhere... especially in mediterranean countries where people don't know how to drive, huh? :lol::cool:

good luck though!
90 % of things in Greece suck, but hey, food is great! also, Thessaloniki is beautiful.

good luck, I passed the exam (not in Greece, thank the ancient deities), I learned how to drive and didn't get my license, as I didn't want to go to the driving lessons anymore, the instructor annoyed me. bah.
well, they do and don't at the same time. they are very skillful as they have to literally fight their way through on the streets of Athens, for instance, i.e. if they want to come from Parnitha to Pireas in the same day let's say :loco: BUT in order to stay alive, not scratch their car or kill a pedestrian they HAVE to ignore every rule they have ever learned (if they have, LOL). so, they do start the engine, and the car starts moving (skill hey!), reaching the desired destination, I guess. I don't know how a person, let's say from Germany, would survive a day in his/her car, driving through Athens without getting a heart attack. no rules are allowed their, friends. :D
mediterranean mentality in general makes me nervous, they don't have any sense for measure. blargh. metalized is weird, like he wasn't born and raised there. hmm... :cool: