Drop G (Deathcore/hardcore mix from down south)

guitars sound a bit box, and maybe the kick is a bit weak, but everything else is spot on!

cool stuff!

thanks man, i honestly do not like this snare a whole lot but thats what the guys wanted to use, they sent it to me already EQed and everything.
idk maybe it is a little not sure deff doesn't seem like it on my monitors.
if anything it might just need boosted in the mix because it sounds thick to me.
when i say things about mixes, generally i'm just nitpicking, the mix is strong enough as is, those are just the things i'd do to it, as it stands!

everyone has their tastes/opinions, and it's hard to know what is generally better for the mix, or better for your own impression of the mix.

it's good stuff man, and as is, sounds sweet :)


EDIT: 2nd sentence makes sense now..
vocals and kick could come up a little, but sounds pretty solid as is.

edit: and yeah the snare is pretty bad imo.

hahah dude i know but like i tried to change it and they were like noooo, there guitarist mixed up that snare.

im going to post my mix on how i wanted the track to sound whenever i get a chance i forgot what folder i sent it to on my harddrive and im far to tired to look for it tonight hah :fu: