Drowning in Blood, Moshing In Madness

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New Metal Member
Aug 10, 2010
I'm sure that you guys, just like me, like moshing it out hard to your favorite metal tracks, so I thought I'd record a couple of short videos (2 or 3 minutes) of chaotic headbanging and moshing violating sacred spaces such as bathrooms and living rooms. Rock on! :headbang:
(By the way, ignore the sex titles, they're just there to get all the lame non-metal heads out there watching and moshing it up as well)

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I can tell you're obviously too stupid to get a joke, which is another reason to leave. We don't like dumbfucks here.

LOL I was the one laughing at the joke, namely your laughably-pathetic attempt to flame me :lol: Now you were saying something about dumb...? :rolleyes:
take that cutter and slit your throat for real so you can die in your piss and shit
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