BEWARE: In Flames' Current tour....

im sorry.. i just cant imagin myself hating them .. well maybe disappointed but not hating them...
Why would you waste your money seeing a band that you can't even hear the vocals to? :lol:

I found myself wondering multiple times, "what the fuck song is this?"

I still love old in flames, I just wish I would have seen them when they were actually good.

I was wondering "what the fuck song is this?" too, but only cuz I haven't really listened to Come Clarity and STYE, save for a few songs so :erk: But yeh, don't waste your money, this time around anyways... :ill:
How can I put this. In Flames are one of my favourite bands but I hate their Nu Crap sound, they just sound like another Disturbed or gay Marilyn Manson. Jester Race, Colony and Clayman pwn. Whoracle is one of my favourite albums and the early In Flames sound was nice and pure.
+1 It is also one of my favourite bands for some releases and one of my worst for some other recent releases.

Personally, I knew In Flames sucked when I saw them for the first time in 2002 before Reroute to Remain was released, and Anders said ; "We're gonna play a new songs for you guys cause you're too freakin' awesome!!1" ...and it was System. It sounded like some Korn songs or whatever Nu Metal crap. :Puke:

But as Profanity said, untill Clayman you have some pretty good material. The Jester Race is my favourite.

The only thing interesting about this tour is that I heard they were playing Graveland which I have never seen live yet. :mad: