The true meaning of christmas. Beware of christians

I hate religion in general, it is the cause of all conflict.

Anyway.....Jesus got birthdaypwned
religon is religon is hate, religon is fear, religon is war... religon is rape, religons obscene, religons a hoar! (quote slayer "Cult"(good song))...i just do it for the gifts....
1 - Anywho, I guess I can say I agree with you there Profanity, however, you forgot to mention the Constantine was indeed a Pagan until death, in which they baptized him in his dying days, or so the records I've read say. According to said articles, he also only chose Christianity to kind of take over because he knew they had larger numbers and he didn't want his empire torn in two, nor the death of his fellow Pagans in his hands. As the majority of the violence took place under his sons' rule I guess you can point the finger at them.

2 - Overall most, if not all, religions are hypocritical.

3 - One more thing, if you could clarify for me please, are you saying Christians chose to celebrate on days sacred to their enemies rather than the real date of their "son of god"? Why? Because they slaughtered them on that day? :erm:

1 - Well you might be right. I only got my information from two articles which did seem rather biased. I was simply trying to illustrate that Christmas is not just a christians festival like they claim it is and how this festival became theirs involved many years of violence. I also wanted to point out that Christmas has been celebrated for about 4000 years. But thanks for pointing out that most of the violence happened under his sons, as it was about that time when Christmas(Jo Saturnalia) became a christian festival.

2 - That is the conclusion which I am starting to come to. I've only recently become bothered about this false message after I am being pressured by the "Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints" and they see me as someone who they could easily brainwash and when I confronted them about this issue it appeared that I got laughed at, so that made me determined to do my research and produce an logical/coherent essay which could be capable of putting them to shame.

3 - No. The birth of Christ has been celebrated since 98AD (i'm not sure which date it was celebrated) but in 350AD they decided to make the 25/12 the day they'd celebrate the birth of christ, probably because taking the merriness, lights and gift giving from the Pagan festival would increase the popularity of christianity and practically wipe out Paganism and the other major competing religion Mithraism. Historians claimed that Christs birthdate was sometime in Autumn.

Sorry if I havn't explained myself very well but i'm in a bit of a rush but hopefully you'll understand what i'm saying.
UGH, too much to read. i just like the pretty lights and decorations, and the amazing food. oh yeah, i like christmas musictoo, beleive it or not.
I'm sure as hell not gonna read all that crap.

Christmas is about the big evil Santa and his trusty brownie helpers, and of course tonloads of beer and sex, and sauna.

No need to see nightmares about wtf is the real TRUTH about Christmas, or at least type it down in a post max this length.