The true meaning of christmas. Beware of christians


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
We all know that christians claim the true meaning of christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus and most of us know that Christmas was originally a Pagan festival. You're probably thinking that christians stole this festival in order to compete with Paganism. However. There is much more to it than that. Supporting the Christian message of Christmas is as good as supporting terrorism. Terrorism is "the systematic and organised use of violence and intimidation to force a government or community to act in a certain way or accept certain demands" (Chambers 2003). For christians to steal the festival from Pagans ot meant that Pagans had to be killed and persecuted. After all this killing in 350AD the bishop of Rome decided that the Pagan festival be tamed and made into one suitable for the Christian son of God.

Around 2000 years ago Paganism and Christianity were the main religions in the Roman Empire. In 323AD Constantine became the sole Roman emperor and Christianity became the official religion of the empire. With the full backing of the church turned with full force and persecuted the Pagans. After Constantines death in 337 his 2 sons ruled the Roman empire. Constans ruled the western half of the empire and was like his father a christian. In 341 he decreed that all pagan worship and sacrifices should cease, warning those who persisted with the threat of the death penalty. Although Christians were allowed to practice their religion in these temples with legal impurity. Lay Christians particularly in the eastern half of the empire took it upon themselves to destroy and plunder the temples. When Constans was killed in 350 his brother Constantius became the sole emperpr of the whole empire and was as intolerant towards Pagans as his brother.

Despite all this terror shown by the Christians, they were alarmed by the contimuing celebration of Pagan customs across the Empire. As this celebration was forbidden, the Christians decided that the Pagan celebration of "Jo Saturnalia" be tamed and made into a celebration fit for the christian son of God. Jesus' birthday has been celebrated since 98AD but in 350 it was decided by the Bishop of Rome JuliusI that the 25th of december would become the date when Jesus' birth be celebrated as this day was sacred to not only Paganism but also Mithraism - 2 of Christianitys main rivals at the time. The Christians were successful in taking the lights and gifts from the Pagan festival and bringing them to the celebration of Christmas and were successful in almost wiping out two of their main rivals.

So, the Christians would never have had the 25th as Christmas day if it wasn't for their hate campaign which saw Pagan temples destroyed and Pagans persecuted.

Another important point to note is that the Pagans did not start these celebrations, about 4000 years ago the Mesopotamians would homour their God Marduk. This was a fun occasion where one of the criminals was chosen as a "mock" king, in order to spare their main king. The Persians and Babylonians had a similar kind of celebration. Early Europeans who believed in evil spirits would fear the worst when the winter solstice approached but special rituals and celebrations were held to welcome back the sunlight. The Scandinavians also celebrated the winter Solstice and would welcome back the sun.

All these celebrations have used lights, merriness and excess. It is important that we maintain these celebratiopns but ignore the Christian message ofd Christmas.
But i do have to say that Judaism and Christianity are made up religions based on people's exaggerated stories from thousands of years ago.

There is no historical evidence to prove just about anything in the Tanak or the Bible.

Agreed. I don't believe 90% of the stuff people tell me about the bible. If they had proof then maybe I would but I fail how to see how some of these things are possible.
I spent 2 hours writing that. I was hoping for some serious and intelligent discussion.

Normally I'd be delighted to participate in a discussion regarding this matter but I'm so fucked at the moment, I've had no sleep and I'm about to do a midnight shift from 11-7... I'm simply lacking the mental functionality and brain capacity required to come up with anything remotely intelligent at moment... so perhaps I'll get back to this at another time. Great thread though.

And, well, you do know there is a forum for this kind of material, don't you?: The Philosopher
Since no one is posting elsewhere, might as well say this here... I just popped into Battleheart and my suspicions that "Evapel" was a fake account have been confirmed, I'm like 80% certain it's a fake account, and 99% certain it's an account that utilizes fake pics... that is all for now.
Damn, I had a good discussion all planned out, but I just had to read as I scrolled down. *shakes head in shame* I like this thread guys, please find another one in which to discuss your other matters.

Anywho, I guess I can say I agree with you there Profanity, however, you forgot to mention the Constantine was indeed a Pagan until death, in which they baptized him in his dying days, or so the records I've read say. According to said articles, he also only chose Christianity to kind of take over because he knew they had larger numbers and he didn't want his empire torn in two, nor the death of his fellow Pagans in his hands. As the majority of the violence took place under his sons' rule I guess you can point the finger at them.

Overall most, if not all, religions are hypocritical.

One more thing, if you could clarify for me please, are you saying Christians chose to celebrate on days sacred to their enemies rather than the real date of their "son of god"? Why? Because they slaughtered them on that day? :erm:
I also agree with Profanity and did you know that it is only since somewhere in the 1800's that Christmas was actually on the 25th of December. Before that it was on the 6th of January. I dunno why they switched. And it was actually long after Constantine that Christmas was invented cause Christianity only had easter and all the other religions had also a winter celebration, that's why they decided to celebrate christmas in winter.