BEWARE: In Flames' Current tour....

Dude, that's fucked up. You actually punched people in the face for moshing? On purpose? Why do we have mosh pits if you're going to fucking wail on someone like you would in a fight?

I always dig your posts and stuff and think you're a pretty cool guy, but if you had punched me in the face for being in a fucking mosh pit, I'd break both your fucking kneecaps and you can walk with a limp to your next concert. I hate people who start being assholes in the pit just to do it.
Listen, first up, I dont drink at concerts. I go there to enjoy my fav bands, not have a drunkenly retarded time. Intoxicated assholes all to often try to ruin the experiences people have at shows and I have never tolerated such nonsense. I understand it's a metal concert and fuck, I put up with the whole environment, I love it, but I also have a girlfriend I'm watching out for. And when we're not in the pit, and people are coming at us cuz they're drunk and injuring us, then it's a fight. Straight up. I woulda done more than just punched them if they didnt scatter off like little bitches.

Seriously, if yer wife was nearly getting pummeled, you'd do the same if you were any sort of man, right? I mean, like I said, there's stuff you put up with and stuff you don't, and I've been to MANY fucking concerts to know how to react to certain things, I'm the furthest thing from an asshole so if you want to judge me, simply ask me the whole story first, ok :D?
because he's a cry baby who needs to hurt people.
Oh yeh, totally :lol: I am sponsored by Kleenex :p :lol:
The sword is amazing i dont know wtf youre talking about

I like Seemless.
How can I put this. In Flames are one of my favourite bands but I hate their Nu Crap sound, they just sound like another Disturbed or gay Marilyn Manson. Jester Race, Colony and Clayman pwn. Whoracle is one of my favourite albums and the early In Flames sound was nice and pure.

yeah the new shit really does sound horrible. but the old stuff :rock:

and the sword is pretty good... better than most bands out there.

For shits and giggles the rest of my night was quite fucked:
And on the way home, I stopped to get gas. Cleveland is a pretty bad neighborhood in general. Some homeless guy walks up to me, "Hey, I pump dat gas for ya and help ya out".
I tell him no thanks... and he mumbles some shit and walks up to the building. The clerk proceeds to lock him out, then he starts saying some shit to my self and my friends. I about dropped my transmission in the parking lot trying to get outta there.
Then we got lost driving home. Then I got pulled over by the canine unit for going 80 in a 60. Didn't get a ticket (If I had I would have lost my license).

All in all... fun :p

hmmm..your night was almost as bad as mine. i went to the bodom show a few days ago and when i come out of the venue, me and my friend are walking to the parking lot where i parked my car. and guess car! it was either stolen (cuz it is hollywood afterall) or it was towed. luckily after i called the towing place, i found out it was towed and it cost me $281 to get it back. there went my money...down the drain.
and was the bodom show worth it you ask? i say not really. the sound at the wiltern should've been MUCH better. henkka's bass was turned up way too loud and there was even one song that they played and it made you wonder, what fucking song is this? they seriously needed a sound check.
Listen, first up, I dont drink at concerts. I go there to enjoy my fav bands, not have a drunkenly retarded time. Intoxicated assholes all to often try to ruin the experiences people have at shows and I have never tolerated such nonsense. I understand it's a metal concert and fuck, I put up with the whole environment, I love it, but I also have a girlfriend I'm watching out for. And when we're not in the pit, and people are coming at us cuz they're drunk and injuring us, then it's a fight. Straight up. I woulda done more than just punched them if they didnt scatter off like little bitches.

Seriously, if yer wife was nearly getting pummeled, you'd do the same if you were any sort of man, right? I mean, like I said, there's stuff you put up with and stuff you don't, and I've been to MANY fucking concerts to know how to react to certain things, I'm the furthest thing from an asshole so if you want to judge me, simply ask me the whole story first, ok :D?

Oh yeh, totally :lol: I am sponsored by Kleenex :p :lol:

You are correct, sir!!!! You made it sound like you were one the drunk, asshole fucktards starting shit at concerts. I humbly apologize for misinterpreting your thread. I would've done the same thing, and like you, I go to concerts to actually enjoy what i paid to see, :lol:! I've actually been in your situation and my gf at the time and I were trying to watch the show and the mosh started doing a wrecking ball kind of thing where they just all grouped together and ran into random people, and it was pissing everyone off. Well, due to the Italians passive nature, they didn't do anything...but I'm not Italian...I'm American. So the next time they came around, I shifted my weight to them, grabbed all of them at the same time, and basically drove them like a football player out of the pit and they all fell like a house of cards. They didn't do it again.

Good man!!!! Don't take any of that shit from those assholes!!! You paid good money to see a concert and you don't need people ruining it for you.
Ok, so let me tell you my ghetto ass story.

Seemless was a piece of shit. Worst head banging EVER. You think Alexi's lyrics are bad? This was far worse.

The Sword wasn't bad at all... they were ok for an opening band, and besides, one of their songs is on guitar hero 2.

Soil didn't even fucking show up. I didn't have a problem with that at all.

Lacuna Coil out performed every one. They were absolutely amazing. They are excellent stage performers.

And the fucking kicker. In Flames was quite disapointing. In fact, HALF THE FUCKING BAND WASN'T THERE! Jesper and Bjorne had to go home or something. Wtf?
I mean, I'm grateful that they still played and all, but I wanted to see In Flames... not Anders and Friends.
Another thing that pissed me off was how low Anders' mic was. Sometimes you couldn't even hear him. I couldn't even recognize some of the songs they played because it was just... not good. I give the guys credit for not canceling the tour.

For shits and giggles the rest of my night was quite fucked:
And on the way home, I stopped to get gas. Cleveland is a pretty bad neighborhood in general. Some homeless guy walks up to me, "Hey, I pump dat gas for ya and help ya out".
I tell him no thanks... and he mumbles some shit and walks up to the building. The clerk proceeds to lock him out, then he starts saying some shit to my self and my friends. I about dropped my transmission in the parking lot trying to get outta there.
Then we got lost driving home. Then I got pulled over by the canine unit for going 80 in a 60. Didn't get a ticket (If I had I would have lost my license).

All in all... fun :p

I thought everyone knew about Jesper and Bjorn's absences? The rest of the tour is going to be played by Evergrey's guitarist and another one. Just for future reference.
:Shedevil: Italian's passive nature????:mad:

Yes...due to the fact that the men are more like women and vice versa.

Maybe I should re-phrase that to say, "due to the fact that Italian MEN are passive".

Never piss off an Italian woman, though. They aren't as bad as the Spanish, who'll fucking kill you, but you'll just wish you were dead.
You are correct, sir!!!! You made it sound like you were one the drunk, asshole fucktards starting shit at concerts. I humbly apologize for misinterpreting your thread. I would've done the same thing, and like you, I go to concerts to actually enjoy what i paid to see, :lol:! I've actually been in your situation and my gf at the time and I were trying to watch the show and the mosh started doing a wrecking ball kind of thing where they just all grouped together and ran into random people, and it was pissing everyone off. Well, due to the Italians passive nature, they didn't do anything...but I'm not Italian...I'm American. So the next time they came around, I shifted my weight to them, grabbed all of them at the same time, and basically drove them like a football player out of the pit and they all fell like a house of cards. They didn't do it again.

Good man!!!! Don't take any of that shit from those assholes!!! You paid good money to see a concert and you don't need people ruining it for you.

Yeh, I guess I did leave a lot out but that's only cuz there was so much for me to write, like I left out the funny things Anders said in between songs (ie/ "Give it up for Lacuna Coil, the best thing to come out of Italy since pizza... they both taste great" and his drunken tyrade about "Who's here to see In Flames" it was so funny), and the fact Lacuna was all dressed in shirts and ties like some homo prep school act and I shouted "FUCK YOU AVRIILLLL", and just a lot of things...

But yeh, that happened to us, the pit opened up WAAAAY to fucking off-centre, not where it should have at all and we were caught in the middle, which is fine for me but not when I'm with my girlfriend, and she's clinging to me and I have to fight our way out. But like I said thats tolerable, but when you're standing on the outside, and drunks are coming at you and you've already been hurt and the show just is boring and sucks, you do what you gotta do :p :lol:

But yeh, drinking to the point where you're shit-faced drunk at a concert just doesn't make sense and usually all they do is cause trouble. I'm not that big so I cant really topple the crowd, but :lol: I am scary looking and I'm always the first to punch when it's needed so after the people around notice that they tend to stay away for the most part. And it's ok I understand you misunderstood me it's fine :p
wow .. sorry to hear that you didnt enjoy it Joe and the rest who went... i thought InFlames were gonna be a knockout...
... fucking SUCKS!!!
that was THE WORST show we've ever seen. And we go to a lot of concerts, but never one which SUCKED so much :( Aw well, double dose of Bodom for us in a few days so hopefully that will make it all better.

Sorry for making a thread about this but I think it's only fair to warn people. Sell your tickets I'm not joking, or get really drunk. I don't drink at concerts so, that wasn't an option for me. Just do yourself a favour and prepare for a shit show :(

Was it seriously that bad? Was it even slightly enjoyable?
Was it even slightly enjoyable?

No actually, it wasn't. I tried to have a good time but my girlfriend and I were soooooooooo bored it was unbearable. I mean, sure there were maybe a few hilights, other than throwing the moshers around which were: Lacuna's "Enjoy the Silence" cover, the crowd was pretty excited for that, and then four songs by In Flames were good, 'Pinball Map', 'Only for the Weak', 'Come Clarity' and 'The Quiet Place'. That was all unfortunately. Like I said, worst show EVER :(

I agree with Nikotiini, they had their time, now its over :(
im not a big fan of in flames i got like 4 songs on my comp
but i would of to see them live

but not any more
sorry to hear that joe
guess you should of spended the 280$ on dope haha
lol joke
yeah i agree that's gotta bite. Same thing though they had only three or four (maybe) good songs from Come Clarity. Ill think twice before seeing them in concert.