Drudkh - Autumn Aurora


Oct 13, 2002
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Anyone know where I can get this album?

And while I'm at it, where can I find Graveland albums? I seem to be having the hardest time finding CDs these days. I can't even find Enslaved - Eld at my usual places (TER and Redstream).
Well lets talk about the album too, in an atempt to bring some decency back this board. Well this album is excellent, one of the best of the year so far. Very good job using repetition and layering to bring forth the pagan aura. Great stuff to listen to in the woods, especially the last track which is so lush and reflective...
crimsonfloyd said:
Well lets talk about the album too, in an atempt to bring some decency back this board. Well this album is excellent, one of the best of the year so far. Very good job using repetition and layering to bring forth the pagan aura. Great stuff to listen to in the woods, especially the last track which is so lush and reflective...

Agreed. The atmosphere is incredible. Makes me feel as if I'm walking through forests and fields as the seasons change throughout the entire album, and then uses that feeling to drive the lyrics.
Hm, i have listened to the last album, Forgotten Legends.
I loved it's sound and it's atmosphere, but i also have to say that it is too monotonous for my taste.. It seems great to have it in the background to invoke a special atmosphere, but if i listen only to the album i am bored very fast.
Is the new album less monotonous?
crimsonfloyd said:
This type of music has to be monotonous to create the proper atmosphere. It is through the repetition that certain atmospheres are created.

Autumn Aurora has become one of my favorite albums of all-time. My only complaint is that it is too short.

Also, I hear that they are working on a new one right now.
crimsonfloyd said:
This type of music has to be monotonous to create the proper atmosphere. It is through the repetition that certain atmospheres are created.

i don't agree with you there, monotony can be a powerful tool in creating an atmosphere but very few can pull if off. an effective way of using it is by breaking it very suddenly into something quite different with a completly differnet riff etc (see burzum)
I was listening to this album today, and thinking, for a large portion of the album, "is this even black metal?" It's rather black metal-influenced, certainly, but the relaxed nature of the music, the lack of aggression and darkness, and the presence of an aesthetic even the average person may consider "beautiful," are very unlike any other black metal band I can think of. Does anyone else think this may be a bridge between black metal and the creation of a new genre?
spaffe said:
i don't agree with you there, monotony can be a powerful tool in creating an atmosphere but very few can pull if off. an effective way of using it is by breaking it very suddenly into something quite different with a completly differnet riff etc (see burzum)
Drudkh do change up the riffs in the exact way your speaking of (just listen to The Glare of Autumn). On other songs such as "Sunwheel" they choose to stick with one main progression and slowly layer it over time. Both methods are effective...