DRUDKH - Autumn Aurora


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
DRUDKH - Autumn Aurora (2004)
Supernal Music


1. Fading
2. Summoning the Rain
3. Glare of Autumn
4. Sunwheel
5. Wind of the Night Forests
6. The First Snow

Every so often the beauty of art comes full circle.

The enigma that is DRUDKH ("Recorded Winter '03, Ukraine" by who? what? why? how? Internet searches provide some results, but not many) have created a distinctly black metal piece with Autumn Aurora: fast drums, screaming vocals, and layers of guitars. Yet everything has a great harmonic balance and is utterly beautiful at the same time. The dichotomy here is so perfect that one may have a hard time hearing one side or the other, as everything comes together in a completely marvelous whole. The most obvious example is the guitar solo in "Sunwheel," as it has massive sheets of distortion, pummeling double bass, and a fast moving guitar solo, but it's just so pretty that the harshness is well overshadowed.

The incredibly organic sound achieved here is mostly due to the keyboards and production (not pristine, yet hardly dirty either), but every element plays a role in sounding exactly as the album cover pictures. Within its own circles, black metal is generally synonymous with the forest but with Autumn Aurora the mystique is fully visualized. I was truly enthralled with this album driving down the mountain in the fog from a camping trip several months ago, the music could have been coming from the trees themselves best I could tell. This level of synchronization with nature is rarely achieved in music, regardless of how many groups may try.

A high watermark for black metal, metal, music, and perhaps even art in general, this is an extraordinary accomplishment that should not be missed by anyone. I cannot quite give this a perfect score yet, but in the coming months and years, it certainly has a chance. My only genuine complaint is that it is too short! There should be another track filling the gap between "Wind of the Night Forests" and "The First Snow," as the album closes too quickly. Then again, so does autumn.

That's a fucking excellent review man. I agree. I really have to give it a 10/10 though because I have listened to that album soooooo many times and in the woods camping, etc...and every single time I hear it, it has the same magical effect on me.

The next one is due to be released early next year already.
Very nice review. Didn't even know you had this in the works, but glad to have you back in form.

Since you're suggesting that this is an obvious top 10 contender, I'll format this for the zine itself.
I posted it at 9:56pm, so I had it in the works since... about 9:49pm. :loco:

Thanks for the compliments.
About time someone reviewed this album...good job, especially when describing the naturalistic elements. For the desired effect of achieving the bond with the season, I need to bring this album with me on a walk through the forest before winter arrives...
great record ... it reminds me so much of Burzum's Filosofem ... as the riffs and melodies just drill themselves into your head.
the folk elements make me feel like i am back home in a Romanian village.
good review.
One Inch Man said:
My only genuine complaint is that it is too short! There should be another track filling the gap between "Wind of the Night Forests" and "The First Snow," as the album closes too quickly. Then again, so does autumn.
Great line. Excellent review.

I'm a little drunk right now but I have to admit, this is one of my favorite reviews I've done. :tickled: Thank you Zod, lurch, and Demonspell. I thanked the others earlier.

Glare of Autumn is up for song of the year, but Hopscotch by Ufomammut wins by a thick hair.
JayKeeley said:
Song of 2004: Wind of the Night Forests
I'm with you on that. That song is just astonishing. The fact this album made it onto my Top 10 of all time list shows how much I love it.
I'm seriously starting to belive there's something wrong with me not liking this album, when an album receives general praise here it is usually really good. I guess I'll have to give it even more time then :loco:

Btw, Faustian has done a vinyl release of AA and I'm afraid they've settled for an extremly dull and unfitting black and white cover for this one as well :|

Black & white for this = no. The album is too lush. Aren't there like 5 different covers for this already? And yes, there is something seriously wrong with you for not loving Autumn Aurora. :tickled:

NicodemiX, I love you. You know this.
Yeah I knew the members were but thought the band wasn't, but "art for white intellectual elite" is at the very least exclusive.

Whatever. I can't understand the lyrics and they're probably Slavic anyhow.
Well I knew I had all my bases covered by saying Slavic, since if I said Ukrainian you might've said NO STUPID IT'S ACTUALLY IN SERBIAN BECAUSE BLAH BLAH BLAH. :loco: