Drudkh's 'Blood in Our Wells' - Overrated or Not?

the problem with FL is it was released at the same time when tons of new burzum clone band started to appear.

like Wigrid, Svartkraft, Wyrd, Shining, Forgotten Tomb, and more i forgot...
it was a bit saturated back then.
I've been listening to Anti-Urban at a slower setting this whole time. It totally changes the feel at 33 rpm instead of 45. It's better that way, I think. The songs have more room to breathe and develop, and they have an odd, endearing quality about them.

On a computer, .8x speed seems about right. I'm not entirely convinced that this isn't how the record was meant to be played.
it's much more doom metalish on 33 rpm..... i think i enjoyed the slowered version more too.

still a weak release imo.