Drudkh's 'Blood in Our Wells' - Overrated or Not?

Nothing. I was just going to see if you'd have something to say about what I think about Blood in Our Wells. You know, since you have your panties up in a bunch and all.

"You old fuck"... "What the hell does that mean"...

Something about Drudkh must have your blood boiling.
I didn't comment on what anyone thinks about music, I commented on somebody requesting an illegal upload of readily available material, so I'm not sure why you felt compelled to accuse me of hounding other people. What gets my "panties in a bunch" is people stupid enough to come onto a public forum whose rules forbid illegal uploading and request an illegal upload of readily available music. I don't care about what others think of the music itself, they're obviously just as entitled to have their own opinions as I am, and I've done nothing to suggest that I think anything else.

I said "you old fuck" because ConvergeNerd was using his age as some sort of bargaining chip, as if he has extra perks because he is older than everyone else and has been into Metal longer, so he's allowed to receive illegal uploads because he's bought so much in the past. I meant nothing more than that by the comment.

And by the way, I agree with you about Blood In Our Wells, it's a fantastic album, and in my top 5 albums of last year.
Meh. I see what you mean now. I also know exactly what you mean about the age thing.

Some of your posts looked like you didn't like Blood in Our Wells, so it looked like you were just coming in here bashing people who liked it.... Didn't feel like catching up with the thread.
Oh, trust me, that's far from the case, Drudkh is easily one of the greatest bands of the modern era as far as I'm concerned. I still haven't heard Songs Of Grief And Solitude though. I'm greatly anticipating Estrangement...Anti-Urban needs more plays, I've only gone through it once.
Everything Drudkh has done is a different product of their post-Burzum approach, including The Swan Road. I wouldn't describe anything that they're doing "original," though they're coming at it from a different angle. That has nothing to do with the quality of the music itself though.

well you could say that about almost every bands...

basically every metal bands copy Black Sabbath :)
That was actually kind of my point, it's really damn near impossible to be 'original,' you really just have to attack a common object from a different angle.
I'm in the camp that finds The Swan Road to be a lackluster Drudkh album. The thin production is a major flaw. AA also had rather thin production, but there was more color in the music to make up for it. Then again, I'm not as enamored with AA as other people are. TSR seemed to lack color, and the riffs mostly seemed lacking. The album feels a bit rushed as well.

Has anyone made digital copies of Anti-Urban here? I would like to be able to listen to it on my computer/ipod. Seeing as how I actually own the release, I think it's fair to ask.

Also, what numbers does everyone have? I wonder how close they are to selling out. I got 319 and 320 for me and a friend.
from what i've seen on many forums.... there is only around 1/3 sold.

it's far from being sold out yet.
For me AA and BIOW is the best releases.
AA is an album I have to enjoy on its whole from song to song order.It has the feeling of walking aloe in an endless road or being lost at the dusk.
On the other hand BIOW can be enjoyed any song any time basis.
I have to say "Sunwheel" is their best song but the solo on "Furrows of god" is matchless.
I don't get SR I have to say.But 3rd & last song of "Songs Of Grief And Solitude" I do like.But for me I actually can not believe that this album is by drudkh.It just does not do justice to their previous wprks.
I listened to Anti-urban today.The production is a bit unusall for drudkh(black era).But it is definately them.Now I have to listen more to understand this now.
"For me AA and BIOW is the best releases."

it's not just for you.... it's the same for everyone, or almost.

that's why i said "typical response" earlier.
I would say that Autumn Aurora is their most creative work and Blood In Our Wells is their most dynamic, musically speaking, but Forgotten Legends strikes me as none of their other material does.
hateforest - battlefields and dub buk - idu na wy were also two great albums
I would say that Autumn Aurora is their most creative work and Blood In Our Wells is their most dynamic, musically speaking, but Forgotten Legends strikes me as none of their other material does.

I have to agree on Forgotten Legends. It's great, but the weakest of their works.
I actually meant that in a positive way, as in I think it's better than everything else they've done. :p
Forgotten Legends is the best Drudkh album. Don't disagree with me or I will type at you aggressively.
"For me AA and BIOW is the best releases."

it's not just for you.... it's the same for everyone, or almost.

that's why i said "typical response" earlier.

May be I am a typical drudkh fan,but what the hell?You have to agree they are one of the best bands of modern age.Heck,they are one of the main reasons that I am this huge BM fan.

Someone in this thread suggested "blood" from TSR,who ever it was great sugesstion man.I am really liking this.The middle acoustic part turning into a background solo is awesome.

About "anti-urban",I'm a bit disappointed.First song is OK,depressive main theme with drudkh style bass.
But "Ashes" is disappointing,not in a bad way though.It could have been a drudkh classic,but it should have been 10min+ song.Its just short for my liking.I think their music is not meant to be on an EP.I hope the upcoming album satisfies me.