Blood in our Wells---Drudkh


Jan 30, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
I do not believe any words I can come up with will do this record justice. But, I have to weigh in somehow. While it is just the beginning of June, this may be my no.1 metal release so far. Certainly RUNN by Enslaved and Synchestra by Devin Townsend are in the running( and not to forget the new Agalloch) Drudkh have created IMO a brilliant record. The painting on the album cover is indicative of the music contained. Brutal, harsh, sad and of almost overwhelming despair. However, there is also a sense of hope. Also courage and the unrelenting desire of refusing to be beaten down, is expressed in the musical strength of this record. Drudkh's concepts( if that is what it can be referred to) are of; heathen poetry,slavonic paganism and nature. The lyrics( which I need to get translated) are based on the writings of who many consider to be one of the greatest humanist writers of the 20th century, Taras Shevchenko. Also Lina Kostenko's writings are involved, as well as some others. The statement Drudkh seems to be making is political, but don't let that deter you from listening. Great music is great music. Period. Music of this caliber is not easy to find. This music is, with ears, heard for the sonic beauty but, completely felt within my soul. IMO, that is what true art is. If you appreciate Black Metal, and I believe Drudkh is in the upper escholon of this genre, you MUST get this soon-to-be-masterpiece. %100.
Would you say it's as good as "Autumn Aurora?" It's the only one I have of theirs.
It's true they are similiar and somewhat repetitive. IMO, Blood in our Wells is Drudkh's best. Seems like they got it all together on this one. Autumn Aurora is excellent. All songs are great, just a little too short for me. A beautiful slab of Black Metal nature. Drudkh and Enslaved, IMO are the top tier of Black Metal.