Top 10 Black Metal ALBUMS

I gave this album a few spins over the summer, and while it had me excited at the time and held my interest for a while, it simply doesn't stand on its own merits, instead it tries WAY too hard to be experimental and discordant. Granted, the atmosphere on the album is very disturbing and I love the analog-delay-echo-effect on the guitar, but I have to admit that if it were released by any other band I don't think I would have given it even the amount of listens that it got.

There's nothing about the album that I find inspiring in any way. It's pretty dull, frankly. But... live, it's a whole different entity. Attila does some terrifying things with his voice... some bizarre operatics akin to those in DMDS but also backwards chanting and other nightmarish things. At the show I witnessed, everything seemed to play out like a narrative, which involved the death of Attila's character about 2/3 the way through the show, which then resulted in some terrifying vocals seemingly uttered from beyond the grave.

Honest to God, the most brilliant live performance of my life. I don't fucking care if you don't like Sunn, they out-grimm 99.8% of every black metal band live.
I came up with this list yesterday.

MAYHEM - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
ULVER - Bergtatt
IN THE WOODS... - HEart Of The Ages
SATYRICON - Dark Medieval Times
WEAKLING - Dead As Dreams
EMPEROR - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk
FLEURETY - Min Tid Skal Komme
DARKTHRONE - A Blaze In The Northern Sky
Stormlord - At the Gates of Utopia
Embraced - Amorous Anathema
Abyssos - Together We Summon the Dark
Odium - The Sad Realm of the Stars
Limbonic Art - Moon in the Scorpio
Diabolical Masquerade - Nightwork
Hollenthon - With Vilest of Worms To Dwell
The Elysian Fields - Adelain
Mörk Gryning - Tusen År Har Gått
Mystic Forest - Waltz In The Midst Of Trees
There are alot of great black metal albums listed here that I love but one comes to mind that no one has posted. Marduks first couple are awesome but Those Of The Unlight is totally kick ass.
Odium - The Sad Realm of the Stars

i fucking forgot about this album! i love it, haven't heard it in years
do you own it? share the wealth sometime!

my list:
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Bathory - Bathory
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon
Inquisition - Invoking the Majestik Throne of Satan
Ulver - Bergtatt
Bethlehem - Dark Metal (not sure if this counts)
Sigh - Hail Horror Hail
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Dissection - Storm of the light's bane
Burzum - Hvis lyset tar oss
Darkestrah - The great silk road
Mayhem - De mysteriis dom sathanas (I should listen to this more often)
Dawn - Slaughtersun (crown of the triarchy)
Immortal - At the heart of winter
Drudkh - Forgotten legends
Nocte Obducta - Nektar 1&2
Watain - Sworn to the dark
Shining - IV
Summoning - Let mortal heroes sing your fame
Taake - Nattestid ser porten vid
Wolves in the throne room - Diadem of 12 stars

everything beyond pressing record on a single tape recorder is "a studio trick"
i'm going to say 1 album per band and something like this:

bathory "blood fire death"
burzum "hvis lyset tar oss"
mayhem "de mysteriis dom sathanas"
darkthrone "transilvanian hunger"
emperor "in the nightside eclipse"
forgotten woods "the curse of mankind"
nokturnal mortum "goat horns"
in the woods... "heart of the ages"
branikald "rdjandalir"
helheim "jormundgand" (let's call this black metal for simplicity's sake)