Top 10 Black Metal ALBUMS

Suck it up tweaker.

Mayhem - DMDS
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
Varathron - His Majesty at the Swamp
Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black
Graveland - Thousand Swords
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon
Bathory - Blood Fire Death
Enslaved - VV
Masters Hammer - Ritual

fuck you.
How many here does not include De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas? And why don't you? If you don't think it's awesome or you haven't listened enough to it, shouldn't the endless amounts of praise it gets from clearsighted individuals here on the Royal Carnage forum give you second thoughts? It is the best album ever, after all...
Im not a fan. True I havent listened to it a zillion times but every single time I try, I shut it off after one song. Everyone talks about the vocals being brilliant, and frankly, they are a huge turn off for me. Go figure.
Mike, I assume you probably hate Sunn and everything they've come to represent - however, if you do get the opportunity, at any point in time, to witness them with Attila on vocals, I think you will be blown away. The same goes for any fans of DMDS.
Mike, I assume you probably hate Sunn and everything they've come to represent - however, if you do get the opportunity, at any point in time, to witness them with Attila on vocals, I think you will be blown away. The same goes for any fans of DMDS.

Never heard them so I have no opinion. I think it's not really my thing, so I've never really bothered, but if they played around here sometime I would definitely go anyway, especially if they had the mighty magyar on vocals.

Im not a fan. True I havent listened to it a zillion times but every single time I try, I shut it off after one song. Everyone talks about the vocals being brilliant, and frankly, they are a huge turn off for me. Go figure.

If you've always shut it off after one song you've never really listened. Play it after a few beers by midnight with no lights on, just a candle so you can fiddle with the booklet and all of that if necessary, but preferably nothing on at all. Just you, a slight buzz so your mind won't focus on blatant shit, just be sucked up by the most immense feeling one musical creation has ever been able to create. You have very very good taste, so you of all people should get it.
Never heard them so I have no opinion. I think it's not really my thing, so I've never really bothered, but if they played around here sometime I would definitely go anyway, especially if they had the mighty magyar on vocals.

If I were to upload the track from their most recent album that has Attila on it, would you listen? His vocals are very creepy and awesome and add a lot to the music... I wish I got to see them live like Nico did! :mad:
Man, I really really wish I could make myself like Mayhem. I listened to Deathcrush the other day and felt nothing. :(
I'm curious why you think it's their best, I find Thousand Swords and Immortal Pride much better.
its pretty damn good methinks, though i firmly believe Av Norron Aett to be their best.

Dawn of the Dying Sun is Hades' magnum opus. such a great genuine album

regarding Following the Voice of Blood, it combines the harshness of the early period with some of the bombast of later albums without the repetition of Immortal Pride and a hint more of the epic than Thousand Swords. it also has some of the bands best songs such as the mighty Thurisaz, White Hand's Power, and Fed By the Beasts. it is a truly complete masterpiece. Darken has not been able to equal it before or since. Though Fire Chariot of Destruction comes closest.