My order came in

Necromunchkin said:
Ha, that's awesome. I spent most of the morning listening to Johnny Cash and The Wildhearts.

I just picked up American IV and one o the 2y459827583w47589347 best of albums that are floating aroubdn last week. Johnny CAsh is a genius. And i highly recommend the new Sodom, it's the best since Agent ORange and possible even beter tan that.
Necromunchkin said:
Mmmm, Aegrimonia.

If only everyone was saying that :p

So anyway, demo is being mixed and finished these next two weeks. When we're done I'll send for your address and pack up the Wind Through the Trees demo and the Aegrimonia demo.

By the way, if anyone is confused - we know there is an Aegrimonia in Belgium - but I swear that I discovered the name before I knew... also... they haven't done anything in four years (that includes updating their site).
I heard the mp3 samles on your website, so I'm definitely curious as to how your new demo shall sound. Excellent, I expect. And though I haven't heard Wind Through the Trees, I sorta trust your judgement in these issues.

Until then, I shall unashamedly plug your distro and threaten people into listening to black and doom.