Erik's Top 10 2005 (+ bonus material)

markgugs said:
Hmmm, then you've got me confused. I love Tyranny ALMOST as much as those 2, not quite of course, but still, it's a worthy 3rd album (of the only 3 BD records anyone needs IMO).

The Chemical Wedding > Accident of Birth > Skunkworks > Balls to Picasso > Tyranny of Souls > Tattooed Millionaire
OK, but Thyrfing = worse than Vansinnesvisor, Falkenbach = I dunno quite honestly I haven't given this enough spins yet, but I thought it unnecessary to re-record the older songs that have already been released and Drudkh = disappointment of the god damn century
Erik said:
OK, but Thyrfing = worse than Vansinnesvisor, Falkenbach = I dunno quite honestly I haven't given this enough spins yet, but I thought it unnecessary to re-record the older songs that have already been released and Drudkh = disappointment of the god damn century

I still can't speak about Thyrfing, b/c I refuse to listen fully to the album until I have it in my hands (c'mon post office, hurry the fuck up!). Falkenbach flat out rules, I can't say anything more than that. And I was entirely surprised by Drudkh, though it being my first listen ever to the band, I had nothing to be disappointed by. I can't understand how it's disappointing at all, though.

Look mate, I'm sure you think you like Bruce Dickinson a lot, but I'm like the biggest fan on this forum possibly split with Tranquillian so there will be no SARCASM coming from me re: this. Yeah at about 12 years old I also thought it was the best song ever and it kinda brought me to tears, it was the saddest music I had ever heard. Now, of course, I've heard BRAVE MURDER GOD DAMN DAY.
I used to have all his albums except Skunkworks, but now I've whittled them down to just Accident and Chemical. So I'm only a casual fan.

But Tears of the Dragon is just super splendid!