Drudkh - Lebedynyy Shlyakh

I like it more than Autumn Aurora but slightly less than Forgotten Legends. It's good, I don't know why it got such a bad reception (although if the CD sounds as bad as the scene CD rip floating around, I can see why).
As of now I prefer it to AA, but that might change in time.

Not sure why people are bitching about the vocals.

Don't know, but they are the same thing. Both names are on the cover.

of course I could be wrong
Original title I guess... For the production , I wouldn't say it's rawer than on AA but the music is , to a certain extent.
"Swan Road" is the name on the LP - same album, different title, different cover art, different release date.

Although if you look closely on the CD cover, it has "Swan Road" written there just under the gobbeldygook...
Isn't Lemony Snickets like, Ukrainian for The Swan Road? That was always my assumption.

I don't like this album too much, but I only listened to it once. The vocalist sucks big donkey dick in comparison to whoever Growl Master 3000 was for Autumn Aurora.
One Inch Man said:
Isn't Lemony Snickets like, Ukrainian for The Swan Road? That was always my assumption.
That was my first thought, that "Swan Road" translates into "Lebedynyy Shlyakh" in some language.

One Inch Man said:
I don't like this album too much, but I only listened to it once. The vocalist sucks big donkey dick in comparison to whoever Growl Master 3000 was for Autumn Aurora.
LOL. I believe I read they used the Growltronic XL for this CD.

I must give credit to my friend for coining that Growl Master 3000 phrase, I burned him a copy of Autumn Aurora and he said something like "the music is cool but the mix sucks and Growl Master 3000 needs to shut up." :loco:
I'm just curious, but what exactly did you all expect from Drudkh?

I only ask, because this isn't exactly an Ulver-sized musical jump here. The music is very similar, if not the same as AA and FL.
J. said:
I'm just curious, but what exactly did you all expect from Drudkh?

I only ask, because this isn't exactly an Ulver-sized musical jump here. The music is very similar, if not the same as AA and FL.

Agreed. The only focus that has really shifted is the lyrical content, which you can't really notice anyway without a knowledge of the language. Of course, the album is certainly angrier than the last two which were fairly mellow. Also, the guitar solos on this new one are sheer brilliance.

The evocation of feeling in the album is on par with the other Drudkh albums. You can't tell me that you don't get tingles down your spine as it plays that clean section after the fury of the introduction.
I haven't listened to it enough to make a final decision. probably about 5-8 times, and I like it each time but never REALLY want to listen to it again that much. When I go down to listen to my vinyl, it's almost always Slough Feg or Manilla Road that gets played.
I don't think it's similar to AA at all. With that said, I don't think AA sounds much like FL either (which I never, ever listen to). Sure, they're not radically different but there is something very "fine tuned" about AA.

If I only needed one Drudkh album, it would be AA and I'd never look back. And that can be said for most bands in this genre -- they all have that one distinct album, and the rest I can pretty much take or leave.
Yeah, I see what you're saying. While not being exactly the same, all three are very much Drudkh. I just don't see what's so radically different to call Swan Road the disappointment of the year, since these same people were putting AA at the tops last year.

Methinks it has more to do with the seasons or musical mood than anything, but that's neither here nor there.