For you Moonsorrow fans...

You're probably referring to the mouth-harp. People sometimes call it the Jew's Harp/Jaw Harp etc. It's a cool traditional folk instrument, I want to use it at some point along the line.

Note: I found out that if you go to the FAQ on, there's a link to download their demo "Metsa". It's a neat view of their old sound (pre Suden Uni). Take a look!
just got the new one today. what the hell is this? the jewel case is completely black except for the yellow Moonsorrow logo. OK...........
it should soon. for some reason The End s totally kcking ass as of late. I've been getting my orders in like 3-4 days instead of the 8 days of a few months ago. Well, except for my Spiritual Beggars order which was ordered beofre Moonsorrow and still doesn't show up as even being acknowledged in My Account at :rolleyes:
Mine showed up today. J is right - the plastic jewel case itself is completely black with the Moonsorrow logo in gold on the front. There is nothing on the hinge! The inlay is nice rough paper too.

The music? Yeah, I'd be surprised if it didn't make top 10, but then I thought Kivenkentaja was spectacular too. With that said, this shits all over Kivenkentaja.

Some people are criticizing the song lengths, which is odd. It is epic in every sense of the word, and me likey epic.
Yes, as the Official RC Moonsorrow Fanboy, I proclaim that this is their best release yet. Like has been said, Kivenkantaja is an epic masterpiece, but Verisakeet just totally flobs my knob. I have a weird feeling that in the future, Verisakeet will drop to #2 and Kiventantaja will reign supreme once again... only time will tell.
JayKeeley said:
Some people are criticizing the song lengths, which is odd. It is epic in every sense of the word, and me likey epic.

Weird.. Jotunheim is probably my 2nd favourite if not favourite song, and it's the longest!

I havent listened to my cdr of this lately. The CD should be here any day. What's too bad is that it isn't a digi, this album needs a digi.
This isn't a digi, but it's not your run of the mill jewel case either. It's a glossy black plastic case....pretty cool. (But yeah, a rough paper card digibox would have ruled for this).
What can you do? I just hope I get the urge to listen to it more often once it actually gets here. CDRs are teh lose.

I need to hear old Moonsorrow. Something tells me I've heard something by them before, but can't remember.
Old Moonsorrow (like Suden-Uni) is pretty cool. It's more straight-forward Viking Metal and things tend to be a little bit less complex.
It's definitely the closest they get to the bouncy folk thing, especially the melody on the opening track, and there's only one song over eight minutes. As for the song lengths on Verisakeet, the only one that occasionally drags a little for me is Jotunheim, which is still an archetype of the Viking atmosphere.
J. said:
it should soon. for some reason The End s totally kcking ass as of late. I've been getting my orders in like 3-4 days instead of the 8 days of a few months ago. Well, except for my Spiritual Beggars order which was ordered beofre Moonsorrow and still doesn't show up as even being acknowledged in My Account at :rolleyes:

Which Spiritual Beggars album? I love that band...