DRUDKH - Microcosmos

They have four albums, and you're opinion is just wrong. Except for the hipster part.

I was talking about having heard the three shitty bands, not the four shitty albums.

Ive only heard the first two Mastodon albums. Boring sludgy lolcore with gruff hoarse vocals.
i put mastodon in the same category as current opeth and meshuggah....bands that appeal to hipsters because it makes them feel like they can say "i listen to heavy metal, isnt it cool man" and also the folks that feel that if you dont "get" the band, they are smarter because "they are so progressive and can play 1/4 polyrhythms on a 20 string guitar whilst sucking on swisher sweets"

yes, i've heard all three and they struck me as nothing special at all. i know im generalizing and i know people really do enjoy these bands, and i know im judging them somewhat on stuff beyond their control and im ok with that
i would put them all in the category of bands that are legitimately metal that get shit on by metalheads for having fans that aren't cool enough regardless of the quality of the music

and mastodon i don't really love, and i don't like newer opeth and meshuggah either

i think this is the stuff that really deserves to be shit on:

anyway /devilsadvocate
Topless chicks making out is always a win in my book.
Are any of their albums worth picking up after this one? I've noticed that they've all gotten reviews on hipster/indie sites. Not a good sign.

I still don't know how to pronounce the name. :(