Drug Tests

I think if you drink enough water before the test, you can trick certain drug tests.

I used to carry around a gallon of water with me at school and people always asked me if I had to take a drug test or something so I don't know.

I agree with just stopping for a while though.
As a last ditch....I have some spare piss lying around. It could be yours.....FOR A PRICE.


Hahaha, I'll keep that in mind dude, and yeah, the milk jug full of water is classic bodybuilder status :D
Well I used to work about three years ago checking drug tests. There was a way of passing the test but as far as I know now, they properly check for the component that people were using. As wild as this sounds what people did back then is they would put a drop of clorox or bleach into their urine sample somehow and it would make the THC undetectable, but when I left that job they had caught on and started checking for more substances other than just the ones found in drugs. Why they never noticed the bleach in the urine I have no clue. Obviously no one is gonna be ingesting bleach.....well atleast no one in their right mind.

Anyways easiest way to steer clear is just don't do it, but who wants to go that route? Not me.
Yeah, that NORML article I linked to above made it clear that additives are way too risky, cuz they often test for them, and for temperature as well, which is pretty important, though I'd imagine they sell systems that have heating pads built-in, so when there's a will (and money) there's a way!
I never understood the point of using something that my body doesn't need in the first place. I'm not necessarily against lighter drugs such as weed, I just don't get the point. Wasting money and developing an addiction in exchange for a good time? There's plenty of other things in life that offer that, without the negative effects.

Sorry to all of you pot heads :D
Wasting money and developing an addiction in exchange for a good time?

Sigh...for the millionth time, weed isn't addictive. Save that nonsense for coke heads.

Marcus: Having several friends that are managers at the Planet K here in Texas (big ass headshop chain) here is what they sell day in/day out for detox before drug testing: http://www.protekent.com/

It's based on your body weight. As long as you follow the directions the 10-day one is gauranteed to work. I have had many friends use it and pass. Although, the temporary one also has worked in a pinch. With the temporary one you must be clean for 3 days before using it/the test. Not a problem, just follow directions and you should be set.
Sigh...for the millionth time, weed isn't addictive. Save that nonsense for coke heads.

Perhaps not in the sense of a "chemical" addiction where your body must have the substances but more in the emotional aspect. If you smoke weed for a reason because you feel you really need its effects, there is a big risk you'll get addicted. Why else are you smoking it if you don't need it?
Perhaps not in the sense of a "chemical" addiction where your body must have the substances but more in the emotional aspect. If you smoke weed for a reason because you feel you really need its effects, there is a big risk you'll get addicted. Why else are you smoking it if you don't need it?

Cmon cmon cmon...there is already a thread that has gone off the deep end just TODAY going over all of this. Summary: I don't smoke because I need it...I just feel like doing it, I like it. There is no reason to "need" weed, and if a person does feel that way about it, they need to be euthanized. People like that are weak. Weed doesn't really have that affect on the overwhelming majority of people that smoke. I'm sure the cases where it "did" are pretty rare and there are probably a ton of other factors involved.

ANYWAY - point of the thread is Marcus needing detox in the event of a drug test.
Cmon cmon cmon...there is already a thread that has gone off the deep end just TODAY going over all of this. Summary: I don't smoke because I need it...I just feel like doing it, I like it. There is no reason to "need" weed, and if a person does feel that way about it, they need to be euthanized. People like that are weak. Weed doesn't really have that affect on the overwhelming majority of people that smoke. I'm sure the cases where it "did" are pretty rare and there are probably a ton of other factors involved.

ANYWAY - point of the thread is Marcus needing detox in the event of a drug test.

Oh, I wasn't a part of that thread. Sorry for continuing on something you guys have already gone through. :)
Oh, and by the way Erkan, who's the one who has on multiple occasions here celebrated drinking? ;) Alcohol IS physically addictive, not to mention toxic poison, and while I used to be adamantly anti-weed, I've now finally let myself like it and as a result have curtailed my drinking substantially, which I hardly think is a bad thing! But you can read more about that in the thread I linked to in the OP - gotta keep up with the forumses dude! :D
Carry someone's piss in an air-tight container. Viola! You should get away if they decide not to be around you and *stare*. Can they figure out your blood-type through urine? If nothing works I guess you gotta stop, as mentioned earlier. Awww. I can feel your pain, dude. :cry:
If you have enough blood in your urine for your blood type (which is a property of blood cells) to be detectable, you have *much bigger* problems than weed smoking.

For what it's worth, I've dealt with precisely *one* drug test, and it was for a job at Office Max that lasted about four months. None for working in public schools (ha!), none for working at the university I'm currently at... keep clean until you're stable with a job, just to be safe, but don't worry about it too much.

If you have enough blood in your urine for your blood type (which is a property of blood cells) to be detectable, you have *much bigger* problems than weed smoking.

For what it's worth, I've dealt with precisely *one* drug test, and it was for a job at Office Max that lasted about four months. None for working in public schools (ha!), none for working at the university I'm currently at... keep clean until you're stable with a job, just to be safe, but don't worry about it too much.


Agreed on the blood in urine thing haha. I would be uber concerned if I had that much blood in my urine.