
I smoke tobacco every now and then, and i of course drink. Ive done pot, and would do more if i had any. I have only smoked it only little(as in not many times), but i can say i fucking love it. It certainly had a great effect on me, and i laughed so hard my heart felt like exploding.

Also, im planning on getting some absinth. Im pretty ignorant, but doesent that stuff sometimes make you hallucinate? That its not really just alcohol, that the green stuff is sort of like a drug or something?

For harsh drugs like heroin and coke and LSD an shit like that, i will keep them far away from me.

So, um...what is the one other cannabis product, hasis or hasish or what? How different is that from marijuana? Is it more or less dangerous, does it feel the same etc...Should i try it?
I don't think 99% of the people on this earth can say that they haven't done drugs. Caffeine and sugar are both drugs. Aye.

However, I will answer the question according to what the drones of the world mean when they ask this specific question. I've tried marijuana and shrooms, both I still do on rare occasions, the former more than the latter though. Alcohol every once in awhile too.
I used to smoke, I drink at parties but not elswhere. I smoke pot from time to time, usually at parties but every now and then I get the itch for it and buy some.
I have tried most drugs, and I am a former meth adict. I quit that shit cold-turkery (believe it or not) and I am filled with both shame (for getting hooked on that poison) and pride (for having sworn it off forver). I still enjoy alchohol, tobacco, cannabis (occasionally), and on the rare occasions (once a year or less) I get them, mushrooms. Throughout all my experiences with drugs, I have learned many good things and had many horrible experiences. The bottom line is never make a habit of any drug; it owns you (which is why I want to quit smoking cigarettes, but I enjoy smoking them at the same time). I could go into how fatally flawed the U.S. drug policy is, but that's whole new can of worms. Finally, and I don't mean to preach here, there is no drug worse than meth. Not coke, not smack, not X, none of them are as destructive and dangerous. Anyway you can put a stop to your friends and family using that shit, do it. The end justifies the means - there is no wrong way to stop this shit. Meth is evil incarnate, and I have never been more sure of anything in my life.
I don't do illegal drugs. Never will. I'm even stop eating/drinking anything with caffeine in it.
I use:
Alcohol, occasionally
Tobacco (when drunk enough to lose my self-control)
Caffeine, lots

I've tried pot, but it isn't really my thing. Just makes me sleepy. Also I've tried LSA seeds twice, but I doubt I will be doing them again, not in the near future anyway. The nausea isn't worth the effects.

EternalEnemy said:
Also, im planning on getting some absinth. Im pretty ignorant, but doesent that stuff sometimes make you hallucinate? That its not really just alcohol, that the green stuff is sort of like a drug or something?

It has wormwood in it, yes. Modern EU-legislation ensures however, that any EU-country that manufactures Absinthe nowadays can't put enough wormwood in it to have any other effect than taste. It's primarily made in europe, so this means that most absinths are under the legislation. In any case, the effects of wormwood are greatly exaggerated. It's very strong alcohol and drinking a bottle of any alcohol that strong will guarantee you'll see weird shit or cut off your body parts. :grin:
I can't stand the "real" absints with aniseed, but the ones with less aniseed are absolutely delicious with sugar and water (and also with sprite/7up), so it's worth getting. :)
Depending on what kind of absinthe you get is weither you are going to hallucinate or not.

It tastes great (And eventually like nothing at all after a few drinks) if you mix it properly.

If you do some research on the net you can easily come to a conclusion as to what is "real" and what is "fake".
markgugs said:
You've "never used any drugs" because you "HATE them," yet you use alcohol and tobacco. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO ARE?!?!? Idiot.

People like you really piss me off. You've never tried illegal drugs but you hate them? Moron.
Tyson said:
I wanted to know if you could let me know where to find the 3m buff pads that where mentioned in this months issue (under the 10 tips section) I just would like to know what stores might carry these, and are the hook and loop so I can attach them to my Rigid Oribital Sander.

Thanks Tyson

You should be able to purchase them at any automotive finishing supply store, dumbass.
The Bringer said:
Tobaccoo isn't a drug, it comes from a plant.

So... heroin, opium and cocaine are not drugs? They all come from plants. Tobacco is a drug, so is coffee, so is alcohol, stretching the concept enough, even sugar is a drug. Human body needs none of them, but we consume them because it makes us feel good.
JayKeeley said:
In the UK, one million people take ecstasy every single weekend - (probably more in Holland and Germany) and I guarantee that there is more violence in the pubs with the drunks brawling than there is at a rave.

lol.. that stuff WILL put holes in your brain. I'd rather a black eye anyday. But weed and shrooms are fine once or twice a month. Drugs are only harmful to the addicted- if you limit yourself you can never hurt yourself and it becomes much more enjoyable
I have and still do indulge in various drugs. I've been a long time smoker and drinker, but i've also dabbled in others. I had a period of 2 years where I really went crazy, trying evertying that was available. I've had a go at, e's, acid, ketamine, ghb, 2cb, 2ci, cocaine, speed, mdma and various others. I still dabble, but these days, to a much lesser degree. I think almost everything is ok so long as you fully understand what you're doing and you MUST remember....MODERATION. There is a time and a place for many things, those who recognise this will be ok, those who don't can seriously mess thier lives up.

For me the fundamental thing, was to have you're drug life and your normal life seperated, keep the two apart and don't blindly plough on, when you know that you're party life is being detrimental to your school or job etc.

I had a whale of a time and often, I miss the madness, wishing I could just go out whenever I want' and get as fucked as I feel like, but I have a job that requires me to think, so it's just not possible any more.
[x] No drugs, alcohol, nicotine etc.
Those are made to change mood and perception and that is exactly what i dont like. It gives nothing to me.
It also has something to to with life attitude. I make sports to improve myself. Taking drugs in addition would make no sense.
well, ive done alot of drugs in my time, struggled thru a few addictions....but really, they suck. I, myself dont really consider weed a drug, but it is. thats about all i do now...pot runs rampant in canada..lol....